08-21-2013, 05:08 PM
Alright, it's about time I posted one of these.
Hi, my name is Squirrel, and I roleplay on CotH.
My characters, primarily, are Ydir, Sapna and Fenastik.
Most of my WoW creative energies are devoted towards Vrykul.
I've been working on a handful of storylines for a bit now, but they'll probably never be seen.
I prefer more constructive things, although I have no problem with people saying 'I liek ur face' or 'your RPing sucks'. Hell, it's a free bump.
I'm also one of those new Trial GMs, but I was a Forum Helper for a bit too. I've gotten a bit of feedback on the sides on those, but I wouldn't mind a post or two in this thread.
Thanks for reading. I hope you have a nice day.
Hi, my name is Squirrel, and I roleplay on CotH.
My characters, primarily, are Ydir, Sapna and Fenastik.
Most of my WoW creative energies are devoted towards Vrykul.
I've been working on a handful of storylines for a bit now, but they'll probably never be seen.
I prefer more constructive things, although I have no problem with people saying 'I liek ur face' or 'your RPing sucks'. Hell, it's a free bump.
I'm also one of those new Trial GMs, but I was a Forum Helper for a bit too. I've gotten a bit of feedback on the sides on those, but I wouldn't mind a post or two in this thread.
Thanks for reading. I hope you have a nice day.