Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Odd & Quirky Mannerisms
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I tend to say some very weird things, sometimes. Just ask my friends in the liquor lounge.
I gesticulate when talking to people on Skype.

Other than that I am COMPLETELY NORMAL and no one can debate this.
Almost everyone who talks to me over skype or TS knows that I tend to think faster than I talk, and thus trip over my own sentences and completely lose what I'm saying.

"So Kretol I had this idea where we could stuff enchantments of numbers level an- aw crap."

I gesticulate a ton. Half my communication comes from it due to the above. Because people can't see me over the net, I make up for this by noise. For example, when I'm thinking and can't come up with the end of my sentence, I start snapping loudly.
I have a friend who, when speaking, does hand gestures with every word. I say "Like" waay to much and, like Reigen I speak fast and then forget what I was talking about.

Well, I tend to forget things from 2 minutes ago but remember things from when I was a child.

Also forgot to write that I have this thing where I have to sniff my fingers in a order every 1 minute when I'm outside as I have OCD for Germs and badsmells.
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