Hello CotH,
As we all know, things have been a little quiet around here lately. We've a few people working on ways to fix this, but one solid way to draw interest back to the server is to host more public events and encourage everyone to go out into the world and take their chances.
.... But this is very hard to do sometimes, since people aren't always online. Therefore, @Reigen and myself have made topics in both our blogs (because I didn't see Reigen's before I made mine; but, might as well utilize all of them), prompting the members of the community to share when they are online and on which days, to give DMs and other players a good idea of when they can reliably run their events or look for RP to get better attendance. Lack of interest is a big downer for people trying to run events or start up RP, after all!
Here is a link to
Reigen's blog thread, which features a spreadsheet. Please fill this out if you can, as the sheet gives a very good idea of individual availability.
Here are links to my blog threads:
online times and
days of the week. Do enter your times/days into these two polls so we can get a general overview that's as accurate as possible.
If as many as possible fill out the spreadsheet and the polls, it'll be a great tool for people who want to spark more activity with events or guild activities.
So, please, do look into them!
Well, you'd have to talk to Rigley about that. :P
Events aren't what this server needs in order to prosper. What it requires is major overhauling in a lot of aspects, be it profiles, staff members and whatnot.
If you want CotH to strive and break free from the chains of stagnancy you're going to have to get a lot of things arranged.
I won't bother naming examples because it should be obvious by now.
Honestly, I know this. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't also be striving to host more events, since there's a shortage of consistent ones save, maybe, Tol Barad and the Defias storyline. Otherwise there aren't a whole lot of events open to a wide variety of players; mostly just guild-centric.
One step's better than standing still, don't you think?
It is, as long as the other stuff is being addressed and heavily looked at too. Nothing wrong with wanting to hold more events, however I don't think it'll draw a lot of people in right away, there's some fundamentals needed to bring the community back.
Changes will be needed. They are known (if you aren't blind, deaf or simply ignorant). I will not list them as that is pointless and was probably done before. Events won't bring you anywhere if you ask me. The whole "Let's do events, players will love this" won't work, maybe events that are different and aren't a /roll feast. Something special, asking for something else from the player besides /roll. Asking for player's lore knowledge, roleplaying capability and most importantly asking for a player's creativity and imagination. Events that gets you -there-, not some events where you're supposed to relly on a random factor in order to do anything on your 2 years old character that developed beyond many others.
Don't get me wrong, I am not against the roll system... or maybe I am a bit. I am just tired of seeing it everywhere, I don't have a real problem with it but I can't say I love it. It allows for far too much meh RP. Usually fights that are done through rolling are more OOC ego boosting than actual character development. Most emotes in a roll fight are "/me strikes with sword in face" "/me dodges and strikes back with hammer" while in trust fights the actual fighting is done in a far more enjoyable manner (in my opinion) where your character's actions are described nicely and everyone is enjoying it.
Every time I RP I also try to please others instead of myself. I try to make others feel caught into the universe and all those nice things.
Erm.. I said I won't list anything, I guess I did.. Sorry!
Good luck with the reworking, or what you have in mind (staff team). Even tho, us, the players should also help up where we can.
P.S: GMs/staff members, please RP more in public if you really want to see how things really are on the server. I think that'd be an awesome start.
EXTRA NOTE: I don't try to offend/attack/whatever anyone, my writing tone is as you all probably know it. Even tho, I -really- am a fluffy bunny inside. <3
(10-03-2013, 12:36 PM)Sorum Wrote: [ -> ]Changes will be needed. They are known (if you aren't blind, deaf or simply ignorant). I will not list them as that is pointless and was probably done before. Events won't bring you anywhere if you ask me. The whole "Let's do events, players will love this" won't work, maybe events that are different and aren't a /roll feast. Something special, asking for something else from the player besides /roll. Asking for player's lore knowledge, roleplaying capability and most importantly asking for a player's creativity and imagination. Events that gets you -there-, not some events where you're supposed to relly on a random factor in order to do anything on your 2 years old character that developed beyond many others.
Don't get me wrong, I am not against the roll system... or maybe I am a bit. I am just tired of seeing it everywhere, I don't have a real problem with it but I can't say I love it. It allows for far too much meh RP. Usually fights that are done through rolling are more OOC ego boosting than actual character development. Most emotes in a roll fight are "/me strikes with sword in face" "/me dodges and strikes back with hammer" while in trust fights the actual fighting is done in a far more enjoyable manner (in my opinion) where your character's actions are described nicely and everyone is enjoying it.
Every time I RP I also try to please others instead of myself. I try to make others feel caught into the universe and all those nice things.
Erm.. I said I won't list anything, I guess I did.. Sorry!
Good luck with the reworking, or what you have in mind (staff team). Even tho, us, the players should also help up where we can.
P.S: GMs/staff members, please RP more in public if you really want to see how things really are on the server. I think that'd be an awesome start.
EXTRA NOTE: I don't try to offend/attack/whatever anyone, my writing tone is as you all probably know it. Even tho, I -really- am a fluffy bunny inside. <3
Just letting everyone know that this was totally not the point I was trying to get across.
This isn't a problem about the roleplay itself; the problem is about organization and lack of proper management from both the player-base and also the staff team as a whole.
All other issues aside, I do still want to drive focus back to the OP. All in due time; but first, availability times!
Hmm, it's an odd idea, but I'll throw it out there anyways: I suggest stickying the days of the week and online times threads (perhaps in the events forum), so that they'll get more attention and that they can be threads that are constantly given some attention to so that people are reminded to vote.
An issue that could arise out of stickying them is that you can only vote once. However, with the ability to undo votes, you could always ask the players to undo their votes and recast them whenever they have schedule changes, if they want to help with the formation of a very helpful statistic that everyone on the server can use.
I'll say that I am interested in CotH still, but what I always find drives me away for months at a time, and would also be detrimental towards attracting new players to continue playing longer than a day, is the fact that everyone always sits in the OOC area. There isn't any life outside of it, because the entire world is completely dead and there are never any opportunities to just suddenly run into along the road.
I enjoy events, but I also enjoy casual roleplay -- whether it be in a tavern, on the road, in the city or maybe out in the middle of nowhere. I'm not trying to single people out here, but you are on a roleplay server afterall and if you're going to be online, surely you are at least somewhat interested in roleplaying? I suppose there will be a couple of people who might respond to me with "why don't you start roleplay?" Truth be told, I did. Myself and a couple of others did earlier this year, during the backend of WotLK, we started a guild called Whitehaven Conclave and we roleplayed for what must have been two months straight. It was an open roleplay environment where if you were there, then you were there to me. None of this 'private roleplay' nonsense that I've been seeing a lot of, and I apologise if you think dfiferently to me; you're entitled to have your own opinion, and your private roleplay, but I just don't like it myself. If there were more people outside of the OOC zone actually roleplaying, I really do think that most people would be less cautious about approaching anyone ingame.
I doubt this will change anything about the way CotH is, but I would really like to see the server change for the better. I didn't intend to write this post for the sake of disrespecting people who enjoy doing what they do, I only seek to point out the harm it could cause in the long term.
EDIT: I suppose I should also point out that I did bring some players to the server a while back, and they left the server because of the fact no RP was ever to be found ingame. It's a shame that all roleplay has to be arranged and it can't just happen by chance as well.
I hate to be 'that guy' - you know, that annoying bloke who always steps into threads and says GRR THIS IS OFF TOPIC GGGHRRRR - but this really ain't the place to be discussing -why- things are wrong. Even if you think the topic of this thread isn't a solution to the vague problems that 'everyone should know' (I don't know them, but I've been away way too long, I guess), this ain't the place to be voicing that.
Loxy's trying to do something helpful here, and I find it kind of disconcerting that all this lambasting of the GM team and the management (so to speak) as a whole has only come when the thread's been put on the front page - despite there being three identical threads of this nature in the past week!
Make a debate thread, or something similar, instead of going down this path that ain't helpful at all.
There is a thread to discuss the reasons why in
Kretol's blog. If you don't want to put your opinions out there in the open, there is a big staff to send it to in PMs, or the PD. And most of us are on Skype if people want to discuss these things.
... Buuuuut, for this thread...
*points at the OP*
Going back to the original post.
I'd love to see more open, public events. Especially if they're both Alliance and Horde alike, giving people a chance to stretch the legs of the old and abandoned alts once and awhile!
Total thumbs up on the idea, and I'd like to throw myself out there as someone who could possibly help mold some events if needed, or provide ideas if needed as well. I'm also a good backboard to just throw ideas at and see which one sticks.
And this offer doesn't only extend to the GM team trying to make events, this extends to ANYBODY trying to make a public event, a mini-event, a guild event, or even just if you need an idea to start a small little RP. Valicor can help.
Anyways, before I ramble too far off topic. Yes, I'd love to see more public events. Thumbs up on the idea.