Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Dead girl LF family
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As some of you might know, Franziska -my Death Knight- had parents at some point that she stayed in contact with up until the Third War. Since then, however, she's lost them... And then she died...
In any case, I'd like for her to gain some family again so if you were thinking of rolling a Night Elf and you'd like for her/him to have some family, why not join the Shadowstar family?

Currently, the only confirmed members would have to be Franziska, her mother, and her father. However, that's not to say that there can't be any siblings that Fran simply doesn't know about!

Mother: A Sentinel of unknown age (likely to be over 1000 years old but can be a few centuries younger). Despite her daughter's somewhat adventurous behaviour (sneaking outdoors with nothing to assist her just to sleep outside and such), she was always proud of Franziska. More so when she learned her daughter would become a Sentinel much like her.

Father: A Druid, possibly of around the same age as his Sentinel mate. Though he was absent through most of Franziska's childhood, the two were close. In fact, Fran's father taught her much and more about the natural world. He may even be (partially) responsible for his daughters nightly adventures and was definitely more supportive of them.

Brother/sister: These can be anything, really. The only thing that I have to ask is that there's a reason Franziska didn't know about them. They can be older than Franziska (currently 321) or younger by a few decades. The only thing that'd be certain would be that they weren't raised at the same time as Franziska. If you want to roll a young Nelf looking for an over-protective sister, this is your chance! CURRENTLY AT THREE SIBLINGS. FULL!!!
I don't have a nelf but want to roll one. Reason I don't have one: I am scared of messing up big time.
Well, I won't say I'm an expert on Night Elves. However, I do like to think I know a thing or two so I could try and help you not mess it up big time.
I would very much appreciate that. Wanna chuck me your skype so I can learn about Fran and what her family is like, etc?
wolfs.nick I believe is my Skype.
We can adopt you! Join the Appleflow Hive Mind Family!

[Image: 090523-one-of-us.jpg]
The only thing I'd see Franziska doing with the Appleflow family is attempting to shoot them all...