Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Little details that you like about WotLK
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mejunior Wrote:I have to agree about the quests, they're awesome! I saw the battle of Angrathar the Wrath Gate at youtube, it was cool to see it, but it was totally kick-ass when you have to do it yourself, and after that to attack the Undercity with King Varian Wrynn! It's just awesome!
Angrathar/Wrathgate makes me all frowny and sad. Stupid Putress. :(
After having tried some of the WotLK content on other servers (although not Northrend itself,) I thought I'd remark on a detail I really enjoyed:
The Northrend Ships! They sort of waggle from side to side, like a proper ship on a restless sea! And makes wooden boat-sounds! The only thing I miss is a cargohold, captains quarters and a common room with bunks, like the ships in Classic.
Hogral, you need to get yourself to the Boats in Stormwind, and ride into the Alliance Northrend port, you can be any level, just explore, it's awe-inspiring.
Hrr, but how? I've so far been unable to find a server with WotLK up and running. Anybody that's been luckier?
I also think the new dryads look (like "Sister of Winter") look really pretty.
Eliana Wrote:
mejunior Wrote:Stupid Putress. :(

What!? Putress is the greatest thing to happen to the Forsaken since Sylvannas´ and Varimathras´ reskinning!

Quote:Death to the Scourge! And death to the Living!

I really enjoy the new Forsaken lore and the turns and twists, well, except the Lady turning soft on us, but I´m sure we can deal with it. Somehow.
Nostra Wrote:
Eliana Wrote:Stupid Putress. :(

What!? Putress is the greatest thing to happen to the Forsaken since Sylvannas´ and Varimathras´ reskinning!

But I miss mini-Saurfang and Bolvar :( .
Pffbt, Sylvannas never went soft. You should've seen her fight in the Battle for Undercity Quest. She hops from flying doomguard to flying doomguard to stab them in the back to kill them at one point, and she shouts some pretty nasty things.
They died for the greater good of the Forsaken´s continued awesomness, we will mourn them and then raise them.

I love the geysers in the Borean tundra, the awesom insence of the Tuskarr and the cool skeletal paper drakes they have flying there as well.

Tch went soft on the kill the living part, and that´s the part that counts. *sagenod* Should have stayed the way she was in those TFT missions.
Delmure Wrote:Pffbt, Sylvannas never went soft. You should've seen her fight in the Battle for Undercity Quest. She hops from flying doomguard to flying doomguard to stab them in the back to kill them at one point, and she shouts some pretty nasty things.
That sounds awesome. I haven't done it on Horde-side yet. Ally-side, Varian just goes nuts and decides the Horde are all evil and should be destroyed, chops at some baddies and tries to kill Thrall. That and Jaina NEVER stops saying "I hate resorting to violence... you asked for it!" over. And over. And over.

Pretty awesome quest regardless.
Nostra Wrote:They died for the greater good of the Forsaken´s continued awesomness, we will mourn them and then raise them.
Hehe, let me guess, you play an Undead apothecary. :P
Eliana Wrote:
Nostra Wrote:
Eliana Wrote:Stupid Putress. :(

What!? Putress is the greatest thing to happen to the Forsaken since Sylvannas´ and Varimathras´ reskinning!

Ahem, speaking of reskinning, Varim has Sideburns!!

I'm growing my sideburns. :D
Hey, do you guys know what's wrong with the modelviewer download mentioned earlier in this topic? I download but it comes as an unknown file and I cant run it.

On a sidenote, I must agree that the quests have alot more to offer now with details both graphic and strong ties to the lore of WotLK, like the Death Knight starting quests where Arthas himself sends you to destroy the Scarlet menace. Totally awesome.
It should come as a rar or a zip (I don't quite remember. I think it's rar) and you just open it up and run the .exe file. That's all I did and it works fine, aside from some bugs.

Sorry I can't help more.
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