Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Dorini Thera, a meeting of forces.
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A number of posters are hung about various places within Kaldorei lands. They seem to display a beautiful heading in caligraphy which reads, "Dorini Thera." Members of the guild would've received the same poster within the mail, inviting them along.

Dorini Thera

Are you sick of the Horde taint seeping in our lands?
Done with the disease of the Greenskin warmachine ravaging the land?
Sickened by their buildings and machines so haphazardly thrown in our home?

Then join Dorini Thera! We will be the thorn in the Orcs' side, the nail to their collective coffins,
the arrow that pierces from the darkness. Our forces are growing steadily already but we cannot win this war without -your- help!
Join us for a meeting, explaining our mission
within our lands and even detailing our next campaign within Ashenvale.
If you're not convinced yet, you will be as we detail recent Horde movements and what some of our members have and have yet to accomplish.

When and where will this meeting take place? It'll be held within Astranaar's inn in only four days. We look forward to greeting you come the evening.

Head Councilor Franziska Shadowstar
Dorini Thera

The guild's finally taking off and so it's time we had an event to boost recruitment and to show that this guild isn't just a fluke project will be forgotten within a few weeks. Most of the information is in the IC bit, however, I'll be putting everything down in a handy format down here as well. MEMBERS ARE SUPPOSED TO PUT ON THEIR DRESS PURPLES/UNIFORMS!

What? A meeting of Dorini Thera, welcoming non-members (mostly Kaldorei but others are welcome) to join them.
Where? At the Astranaar inn, of course! Look for the bunch of Elves in similar outfits if you're a bit later than them.
When? Saturday, the 4th. The meeting will start at noon, server time if everything goes well.

Potential recruits can speak to Franziska or any other councilor or officer of the guild in order to join. They can also do so before the event, either to join before it, or to join OOCly until the event takes place.