Conquest of the Horde

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Oi! Th'Endeavor's th'fastest ship e'er seen in the South Seas, mate. Though I sorely miss me true piratin' days, th'life o'a Privateer's just as good. 'Course we're always lookin' fer new crew, new lads ready ta take th'world an' shake it fer the promises of gold, glory, an' freedom.


[Image: a_pirate_ship_wallpaper-t2.jpg]

The Endeavor

We've just sailed into Port and are looking for new hands to man the cannons, the grapples, and the wind itself. We're a sanctioned privateer ship, which means we are essentially pirates, though legally in the employ of Stormwind. That means we can't prey on those fat Alliance cargo ships, but we've free reign to harass any ship not flying Alliance colors.

We're working on a neat storyline that will involve; Adventure! Excitement! Greed, Glory, and Gold! Romance!(?) And Mystery!

Any and all are welcome, The Endeavor takes on crew whenever they can at Port, and often extending welcome to the crews of the ships they raid. A wise choice, considering the remainder of the crew that don't join, well, let's just say that Davy Jones has a few more guests.


History of the Endeavor

The Endeavor was once a proud Lordaeranian Ship, patrolling the waters of the Western Coast and Baradin Bay. She was assaulted and hijacked by Roberto Alcantra and his pirate mates, stealing off with quite the haul. The Captain liked the name so much he kept it, as the Endeavor began to scrap her once former comrades as Captain Alcantra and his crew sailed the High Seas.


The Endeavor, in recent times, has begun to fly Alliance colors, a golden Jolly Roger over a field of deep blue. This change in colors is to signify to Alliance ships that she is under the employ of the Kingdom of Stormwind. Good timing, too; Stormwinds Navy has grown large, fast, and deadly in recent years. Now the Endeavor holds back from the cargo ships that trail the coasts of the Eastern Kingdoms, at least those that fly Stormwind colors. She's been raiding Horde, Goblin, and neutral ships alike.

The Crew

The Crew of the Endeavor are a bunch of salty sea dogs, veterans of wars or sailors who grew bored of the merchant life. All pirates favor the ideas of Freedom and they intend to keep their freedom, bowing to no man. While the Endeavor might still be legally under the King's employ, she'll raid the lone ship and leave no survivors, just how the Crew likes it. The High Seas can be a truly dangerous place. Murderers, thieves, and liars have banded together on neutral ground, founding their own little country; a country named the Endeavor.


Captain of the Endeavor
Roberto Alcantra

First Mate of the Endeavor
Estavan Romero

Hatchley Bunglebrew


You! At first!


[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRin2-ps1TPp6aeim7tZ1Y...Th-n7X-NoV]

Wanna join? You can either be a new hire to the ship or fill in a position as we have an NPC crew that maintains the ship and whatnot! Just whisper Roberto or Estavan, or send me or @Cartoonkarl a PM here on the forums!

More to come on this post, as it is still very much so a work in progress!

(01-05-2014, 02:53 PM)CappnRob Wrote: [ -> ]m8.

[Image: 656REZ9.jpg]
Hey. Heeeey.

Has Estavan recovered yet? :D
(01-05-2014, 05:18 PM)c0rzilla Wrote: [ -> ]Hey. Heeeey.

Has Estavan recovered yet? :D

He was cryin' till the wee hours of the morn', lass.
I was nawt! *kicks bottle of saddness rum away.*