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Full Version: A Warden's Offensive: Securing Darkshore - Phase Two (01-18-2014)
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[Image: Night-Elf-Crest-world-of-warcraft-510276_456_502.jpg]

A Warden's Offensive: Securing Darkshore - Phase Two

Mist's Edge

Brothers and sisters, our lands have been struck hard by the cataclysm. It is our duty to secure these lands in the name of our Goddess Elune, justice must be rendered upon these insolent invaders. Our once secure and beautiful lands are now full of hostile entities, we must do our best to remove these threats and strike with great vengeance for those who have fallen in their offensive.

Our previous operation was a success. We mourn the deaths of our sisters and allies who have given selflessly their aid. The Sisterhood & Dorini Thera have my thanks and I shall not let the deaths, injuries and their effort go in vain. But I shall not forget the aid of strangers, our kin who had left behind their daily routines and taken such a risk to help defend their homeland. Our next target is further north from the excavation site above the once beautiful settlement of Auberdine and south west of Lor'Danel.

[Image: WorldMap-Darkshore_zpsf6e84d1a.jpg]

They call it "Mist's Edge". The cultists have deployed a shard of unknown origin, any scholars are welcomed to assist in understanding the effect of this very shard. But that is only after the assault of this very location is complete. I urge you brothers and sisters. If you will not protect your own home, then who will?

[Image: WoWScrnShot_011214_152947_zps9a9a0bb5.jpg]

The cultists enrage the very elements and turn them against us. This cannot be allowed. Us, who strive for the very balance of all. They attempt to shame us and tarnish our reputation. They will know the fury of the Kaldorei and by Goddess Elune it shall be so! Justice will be swift! All those willing and able to attack the Twilight filth contact Warden Dawnstriker in Darkshore at the Grove of the Ancients.

Summary of the first event.
- The warden rallies the militia in Ashenvale, Astranaar. They march to Darkshore.

- In Darkshore a battle plan is made, Gray and Fesoldar scout out the excavation site.

- The scouts bring back word that the cultists are doing some sort of ritual.

- The warden cancels her speech and urges everyone to attack afraid of what the ritual will bring.

- The group is promptly teleported by Gray into the site, the warden sounds the battle horn and ten sentinels attack from the north.

- The initial strike has several workers running and fleeing the field of battle while the faceless and a fire caller engage the group consisted of militia, sentinels and Dorini Thera.

- After the defeat of the faceless the ritual was not stopped, a warlock satyr casts a giant ball of flame and delivers it upon the charging group of sentinels.

- The satyr was out of reach and had summoned a demon to aid him, the warden blinks away from the battlefield to fight the unreachable demon and satyr by others.

- The others find that the very Avatar of Soggoth is summoned and whatever effort they make seems to not take effect upon the abomination that is the avatar.

- Gray, Elveda, Taldren, Ceredor, Tykeral give their best along with Dorini Thera. Gray dies as the Avatar of Soggoth collapses to the ground and causes a quake. The scolding's around the Master's Glaive fall and leave the man trapped and impaled.

- After the satyr and his demon are defeated the warden rejoins the fight. Seeing how the Avatar of Soggoth is too large to be effectively brought down by the many warriors which came with the warden. She decides to summon the Avatar of Vengeance. All the fallen sentinels are brought as spirits of Vengeance and the Avatar of Soggoth is brought to his knees soon after.

- Elveda delivers some serious injuries to the Avatar with a risk of heroic proportions, aided by the others the Avatar is cut open and soon dies in a muck of purple blood. At the end the Avatar and spirits of Vengeance disappear.

- The injured are retrieved and guided out of the excavation site, upon exiting it a mysterious force causes a miniature landslide which covers up the tools and the camp of the Twilight Hammer below the Master's Glaive.

A screenshot from the previous event:
[Image: WoWScrnShot_011114_184535_zps1816286c.jpg]

OOC notes:
I will take this as a chance to thank all those who came to the event. I was very much surprised by the number of players who took part in the event. I also wish to thank Krilari and Ural for being so patient with me, helping me and making all of this possible.

I apologize for any technical difficulties we had and I apologize for some of my hiccups during the event as well. That was my first time leading a public event and I hope to improve over time.

Any complaints, suggestions and concerns are to be delivered via private message.

Further more I would like to explain that a large attendance means it is going to be difficult to control the crowd and give everyone their time to shine. It becomes very chaotic and everything somehow takes longer. Mistakes will happen and I tend to be crowded during such. With time I hope I will be able to fix this.

The event takes place on 18th of January; 2 PM server/realm/COTH time.

All alliance races are welcome, but the attendance is preferable of the races dwelling there which are night elves and worgen.

By attending this event you render yourself temporarily under the command of the warden in charge of the offensive. If you do not obey orders you(your character) will be removed from the event.

On the other hand if you think you can help, that would be nice.

Timezones and when you can attend the event, beloooow:

East USA: 5PM/1700 hours
West USA: 2PM/1500 hours
Greenwich Mean Time: 10PM/2200 hours
Sarajevo, Bosnia: 11PM/2300 hours
Sydney, Australia: 9AM/0900 hours
Oh good. You put time zones. But you're still a butt. <3
I can't make a sunday but I'll be sure to get some DT members to show up (if they want to).

Sent from my E210 with Tapatalk.
The time is flexible. Attendance of DT members is welcomed. If more people confirm that time is an issue then we will work it out somehow.
19th is a no no... :( Maybe 18th?

I would love to get Elveda do some more fighting, maybe not attempt to make some heroic moves this time, unless I roll like 90+ :)
18th is taken by TLE, the guild recruitment day event by Imagen. It lasts from 2 PM to 6 PM. I am going to be a part of that event as Willie Hammersmith as a recruiter. There for 18th is unavailable. Perhaps you two have some other dates in mind? How does the 17th sound? Friday.
Fridays tend to be fine for me, though I can't speak for anyone else.

Sent from my E210 with Tapatalk.
Much better then 19th.
As much as it is possibly better I ponder the possible attendance of Americans at such a time which is 2 PM. Anything further like 5 PM is past midnight for us Europeans but it is when I think, Americans come back from school/work. Can we get an input here from someone who is 'Murican and will attend the event?

It is possible that this event may need to be rescheduled further to the 25th.
Us Americans are pretty spread out. However, I'm done at 3:15p EST on Friday.

Posted from my phone!
How does 18th sound for everyone? Imagen has moved her event to 19th. I assume it is quite alright as we have talked of this before.
Friday Saturday is good for me as I stated before it'll ever be.
Edit: I am a noob.

Posted from my phone!
The reason why I am trying to pull through a Saturday is because some of the Europeans have to go to bed early during the work days. So this is that one day when they can stay up. I need an all okay by everyone for Saturday if possible. And it's the day when no one works.
Saturday works out great for me. Go, saturdays!

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