Conquest of the Horde

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Might as well admit it, seeing as I've been off the forum/server for a long time.

I'm kinda done with CotH. (Until maybe Mists)

There's not too much here for me anymore. Sure I have memories and what not, but I've been distancing myself further and further from the server. Maybe I'll come back someday, maybe not. But for now I'm just certain I want to spend my time elsewhere -- wherever elsewhere might be.

The only roleplay I really had on the server after becoming a GM was puppeting. Other than that, nothing consistent. Nothing lasting. Either I lose interest, or my partner loses interest. I just haven't seen anything that could grip me in a long time. I suppose the definition is just avolition.

I enjoyed roleplaying here. I enjoyed the characters I roleplayed. But I never really felt any of them were important to people. Granted, I never played an antagonist, nor was I ever the main character in a story. So that's sort of to be expected. I always treated my characters as stories going alongside the stories of others, with perhaps the sole exception of Merica.

I leave this server with few contacts, and burned bridges. I'd say only two people from CotH actually message me first without me messaging them at this point, and TBH I always smile when a friend reaches out to me. Makes the relationship more mutual.

Anywho, rambled long enough. Enojyed my stay here, hope you lot enjoy yours. I'll post a CMC for a Doomguard one of these days, because that (and Pandaren) are really the only things I'm extremely interested in playing.

Oh man the horrible things I'll do with both of those.

Steam: shotcannon [Alias: EMPURU]
Skype: xigo-xigo

Feel free to add me -- I've taken a lot of people off in my fits of... I guess emotion is the best term. And tell me when someone has more likes than me.

>Most 'Liked' User
>Few Close Friends

Fook Muh Loife
@Xigo when I've actually had the opportunity to RP with you, I've had nothing but good times. I hope that whatever you do, and wherever you go, you continue to grow your talent as a storyteller. One of the best I've ever met.

((TBH, I'm in a writing major at the moment, and I'm a wee bit worried with how wish-fulfilment the other writers in this school seem to be. 'I read so I can imagine myself as Harry Potter' is a phrase that disturbed me.))

Thanks m8. h4v3 4 g3wd 1
"I leave this server with few contacts, and burned bridges. I'd say only two people from CotH actually message me first without me messaging them at this point, and TBH I always smile when a friend reaches out to me. Makes the relationship more mutual." :)

Sorry you drift away. Will miss RPing with you here, though surely we'll find ourselves somewhere else :P
See you around.
We never talked much, but I always considered you a cool guy who did cool things. The puppetting you did when I was a mere peon and grunt was always entertaining, and I told myself if I ever became a GM, I wanted to entertain people with puppetting like you did. You're an inspiration, Xigo. Thanks for the fun times.
Later man, truly a staple of the server for some time. We bumped heads a couple of times, but I think the rp we've had although brief was really fun. You're great at characterization and could probably bring any character to life and flesh them out. I would've loved to see more of any of your characters with the Novalight storyline or any Rp I was apart of but I understand the need to put the server down for a while. I hope this is more of a see ya later than a good bye but take care regardless man.
We've butt heads far more than what is acceptable, but I've always thought you as a pretty righteous dude all the same. Solid writer, interesting characters, and a good sense of humor.

Live long and prosper m8.
Good luck, bud! Not that I'm on the server often myself, but still! Let's keep in touch, yeah?
You always seemed like the bromance type of guy to me. But we never talked so I might be wrong. WHOOO KNOWS.

One way or another, it's nice that you made it official. I am sure there are other places you enjoy.
I am really saddened to see you go, but then again, I suppose it was inevitable. I can tell you're drifting from the community, and it's a shame you were never able to connect even in RP. I do, though, appreciate the good times we did have together, and I do have fond memories of actual RP we did have, even when you weren't puppetting. I'm still around to be your guide and instructor on how to improve your art, as well as any other kind of RP you're willing to have :)

Godspeed, Xigo.