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Frostmourne is Arthas' Runeblade, and it kicks hella ass.
Glain123 Wrote:Frostmourne is Arthas' Runeblade, and it kicks hella ass.

This sentence... makes my brain bleed.
Good, it is how your brain should be. *shifty eyes*
Since I've been reading lore since I made my forum account this is what I found out regarding the Ashbringer:

Ashbringer, Blade of the Scarlet Highlord, is the sword of former Highlord Alexandros Mograine of the Scarlet Crusade.[1] The blade was named after Alexandros (The Ashbringer) and his uncanny ability to smite the undead to nothing but a flurry of ash. He was betrayed and murdered by his oldest son, Renault, using the sword. Alexandros was resurrected as a death knight by archlich Kel'Thuzad, and he still possesses Ashbringer, although it has been defiled by his murder and transformed into [Corrupted Ashbringer]. Following Mograine's death, the sword was wielded by his other son Darion and later Tirion Fordring.

According to this, I don't think Ashbringer is a Runeblade, also I can see how it wounded Arthas when it pretty much instantly ashes normal undead.
As for Runeblades -
* Vampiric runeblades
* Runeblade of Baron Rivendare
* Iblis, Blade of the Fallen Seraph
* Gressil, Dawn of Ruin
* The Hungering Cold
* Frostmourne
* Orkenblade
* Flamestrike
Vampiric Runeblades are given to new Deathknights. Please note that this information all comes from Wowwiki. Also, I played a little of WotLK Beta and besides the Runeblades being Swords, aparently some are Axes since there is a quest in Beta called The Light of Dawn which gives you a choice between a Greataxe of the Ebon Blade or a Greatsword of the Ebon Blade upon completion. I am most likely not going to make a DK (On Beta they were too glitchy) but it is always good to know as much info as possible.
Well it only says runeblade not runesword. ^^

I´m not sure Flamestrike is a runeblade though, isn´t it a royal artifact of the Sin´dorei? Why would they have a runeblade?

And I am definatly sure that the Ashbringer isn´t a runeblade... which makes me wonder, how did Darion use his rune powers without the runeblade to channel them through? Perhaps he used the power of the Ashbringer instead, huh...
Well, I'm guessing the Corrupted Ashbringer would be one, for two reasons:
a) How would Darian use his rune powers? (Quote Nostra)
b) If you get the In-game item, it gives you an effect that says the blade controls you, typical of Runeblades, no?
I'm pretty certain Flamestrike is indeed a runeblade, but of different nature than the runeblades the Scourge is familiar with. The Night Elven runeblade, Orkenblade, is another example of a different type of runeblade than the Scourge's.
Ashbringer isn't a Runeblade, it is a wepon more powerful then every famous Runeblade. Frostmourne, although it can kick ass, is nothing in comparison to The Ashbringer. As said before The Ashbringer was so powerful it could literally smite the undead into nothing but ash.

The Ashbringer was what wounded Arthas and let his powers slip over many of his Death Knight forces.

On a side note, has anyone beat the training area for Death Knights? If so did you see that vortex Arthas uses to try and kill Tirion? It sucks up every Defender of The Light. That just goes to show you what Arthas can really do.
I really doubt that The Ashbringer is more powerful than Frostmourne, perhaps on the same playing field, but not more powerful. While The Ashbringer can utterly devastate any Undead around it, Frostmourne itself has immense Necromatic capabilities, as well as soul stealing attributes. Arthas single handedly defeated Mal'Ganis with Frostmourne in one strike, even before he became a Death Knight. This goes to show that Frostmourne is powerful enough to vanquish a prestigious Dreadlord even in the hands of an unfamiliar host.

While I think The Ashbringer can definitely match Frostmourne in a fight, I don't think it would exceed it.
Well let's say someone Wielding the Original Ashbringer fought someone with Frostmourne. I think that both blades have minds of their own. And say if Alexandros Morgraine fought Arthas 1v1. It would be more to the fact that they would be close to the same sure....but if say... they fought on certain grounds. Like in the starting area for DK's the only true thing that saved Tirion, was that they fought on holy ground, Light's Hope Chapel. But if they were only say around 50 yards away from Light's Hope...... well the entire story would have changed due to the death and resurrection of Tirion.

What I am trying to say is.... The Ashbringer and Frostmourne are both very powerful yes, but one would win over the other depending on the holder and the grounds fought on.
Swords... shiny. Make others hurt bad.

Seriously, this is why I hate the epic items. They're all so world-shattering and powerful, it's downright ridiculous talking about them--and only more so when you realize they're nothing but spiffy raid items that'll eventually be phased out. I'll stick to my Heartfire Warmaul and Dark Iron thingamabob, thankee.

My grumblings aside, Ashbringer is supposed to -rival- Frosty. The whole which-is-more-powerful dealie is impossible to imagine, because, y'know, half the time the writers are pulling these random details out of their collective asses. Half the time it's meant to accomodate game mechanics, half the time it's just laziness. So yeah: If you want something solid to go on, wait 'til you see the stats for both swords.
Woah, that's three halves.
It's half of a half. See, there are two halves that make up one half of a whole. Two fourths random ass-pulling, one half planned work.
I refuse to reconsider my use of the term ass-pulling.
Ashbringer is rumored to have been crafted from the remains or "Heart" of a Naaru, as Alexandros found the crystal that was used in Ashbringer's construction on Draenor during the Second War. In trying to destroy the crystal when he showed it to the future Scarlet Crusade in Hillsbrad, he reversed the 'polarity' on the crystal and it turned into a thing of pure, unfiltered light. The only thing to have matched such brilliant light ever again was said to be a Naaru itself. It seems to be a blade that alters itself to the user's will, for it was also Corrupted with Alexandros's grief and rising as a Death Knight. Then purified once more by Tirion.

Blizzard already stated we wouldn't be receiving Frostmourne in the Icecrown Raid. You used to be able to obtain Corrupted Ashbringer before they moved Naxxramas to Northrend, which also invoked a scene in Scarlet Cathedral involving Renault (The boss of Cathedral) and the temporarily resurrected Alexandros. Pretty good stuff.

Later on in the Northrend quests, you get to do a positively chilling quest chain where you encounter the Heart of Arthas far beneath Icecrown Citadel. You fall into a hole and a pool perhaps a mile or more underground. You must do a quest to get yourself out before Arthas has realized you've discovered the shred of his humanity. When you go back to Tirion, you start a quest to try and redeem Arthas's heart by disguising yourself as a Cult of the Damned member. A procession of them is moving the heart to the Chapel of Darkness (Which is located next to the Citadel) and it's your job to see if you and Tirion can't purify the thing.

Unfortunately, all does not go according to plan. The Lich King shows up and Tirion takes his chances. He realizes that there is nothing left of Arthas to redeem, and so he cleaves Arthas's faintly beating cold heart in two with the Ashbringer, severly weakening The Lich King for a few minutes. In that time the entire chapel surrounds you and Tirion, but lucky the Ebon Blade Death Knights and Mograine show up to save you in the nick of time. The Ebon Blade Knights tell Darion to finish it now and slay the Lich King, but Darion said that there was no time. Either save Tirion and you, or chance a shot at the Lich King and end it all, possibly not succeeding. The Lich King gets really angry as you escape with his former elite squad of Death Knights, needless to say.

That's just a taste of the quests relating to Arthas and the new Lich King. It's a shame I can't really show you because it'd only work on Live, but if you're ever around level 77-80 and in Icecrown, I'd tell ya to start questing there. Because most of the quests there are phenomenal and relate to lore.
Man that sounds so cool. I'm really glad they're taking those steps to really improve on the lore aspect of WoW. If they've finally learned to implement this, I can't wait to see what they do for Warcraft games to come!
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