Conquest of the Horde

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House Silversaddle

House's background

House was established by Gehardial Silversaddle, merchant who earned his title through hard work. For some time, this house kept itself under radar, not taking part in politics, not advertising itself, just making money through trade. Once house started expanding, creating a sizable navy, equipping soldiers with quality weapons and armor, house decided it was time to emerge from unknown and begin publicly supporting both artisans and Argent Crusade.


Trade Lord - Trade Lord, is in charge of the House, he makes final decisions, is usually a busy person and currently goes by the name of Gehardial Silversaddle, very old war veteran.

Trade Vassal - Trade Vassals are people, who have shown their worth to be at the door step of the Nobility. These people, usually have small guard forces, backing their cause, yet are loyal to House Silversaddle. These men and women remain with the House, but could request to be separated from the House to start their own. Even if Vassal leaves House Silversaddle, they still remain loyal and at times closely related to their 'Father House'.(Special profile:Large amount of wealth, personal guard, could become a Noble.)

Trade Master - People who are know for their economical, diplomatic and militaristic skills. Those who carry this title are close to becoming Trade Vassals, yet they have to prove their worth. Usually there are no more then two, at times four, Trade masters. Trade Master does not have his personal guard or ships, yet does own quite some wealth and are responsible for keeping coin flowing into House's treasury.(Special profile: Large amount of wealth.)

Trade Leader - Men and women who lead caravans, are in charge of ships or bandit hunting parties(more then 8 people.). Those carrying title of Trade Leader have good knowledge of economics and military tactics. They could be called captains, as some are out in the sea, while others might be in charge of military force. There are quite few Trade Leaders in the House. Trade Leader could be assigned to training duty, such as training new recruits or keeping Trade Guard and Trade Squire skills in check. Trade Leaders do not own large amounts of wealth, but there are few who make fortune and decide not to advance in rank.(Simple/Special profile: Could own large amount of wealth.)

Trade Squire - Trade Squires are mini versions of Trade Leader rank, they might lead small squads(from 2 to 8 people), be in charge of Trade Station. Trade Squire is usually a Trade Leader, but in training, they might be found, following Trade Leaders, Trade Masters or even Trade Vassals and Trade Lord. As they tend to higher ranks, they are encouraged to learn from those they serve. Trade Squire is rank with two sub-ranks: Mobile, Stationary. Mobile sub-rank is designed to keep Squire on the move, teach him path finding, leadership and give him military experience. Stationary sub-rank is more based on economics, diplomacy. Squires usually find themselves in a Trade Station, gathering information on surrounding roads, making some money from supplies they are left with, keeping a safe house for other members of the house. Either way, Squire is a busy rank. Not many pass Squire rank, as it is also designed to root out greedy and disloyal people.

Trade Guard - Back bone of the house, majority of members are in this rank, some call it Trade Mercenary rank, as ones in this rank are trained mercenaries, they know how to make coin from being a sell sword, yet remain loyal to House Silversaddle. Most of the men and women holding this title, stick to it, as pay is good enough to feed themselves and keep some for the future. Accommodation is usually provided, either in form of barracks, bunk beds in a ship or tents on the road. They do not need to think, just follow orders and keep caravans, ships, or whatever they are assigned to guard, undamaged.

Trade Servant - Pretty much like Trade Squires, Trade Servants are not large in numbers in comparison to other ranks, as they are non-combat servants of the house, who decided to not take up arms. It is fairly rare to see one on the road, as they usually stick to cities and towns, work on gathering information, establishing contacts or just doing chores, like cooking, cleaning, keeping weapons checked. Trade Servant's are low on number's as they learn some kind of professions: Smiting, tailoring, cooking, etc. and once they served house enough to repay for their lessons, they leave house or decide to take up arms, either way, people do not stick around in this rank, too much.

Trade Trainee - People who wish to become Trade Guards. Those who just joined House, are shaped into soldiers, sure one might in future turn into a sell sword, but Trade Trainee's go through training, similar to modern day military. Trade Trainee's aren't common to be found guarding caravans, as they are most of the time training. They learn how to survive in almost any environment, with almost nothing, fight with any kind of weapon, but only fight well with chosen few, learn how to do basic math, learn how to write and read. Many Trade Trainee's fail at actually becoming Trade Guard, so in order to not waste willing bodies, House puts them into Trade Servant rank and gives them a profession, while also getting paid back for investing resources into training those people.


Members of House Silversaddle are allowed to choose from various types of weapons and armor.

Trade Trainee Uniforms

Trade Guard Uniforms

Trade Squire Uniforms

Trade Leader Uniforms

Trade Master/Trade Vassal Uniforms

All combat personnel is allowed to choose up to two weapons from this , also a set of clothes and optional warm cloak(If uniform does not already give one). Trade Servants could take set of clothes from there as well. All personnel, both combat and not is granted a chance to receive a free backpack and in case of losing it, would be allowed to buy a new one.


OOC rules

1. Follow all server rules.
2. Make sure your public note is your forum name.
3. In guild chat be polite, helpful and do not swear or keep them to minimum.(If there is a need, use words like Muffin or such, as they aren't swears, but work in a similar way.)
4. Report what kind of character is joining House, as I do not intend to make this very active, except for few mini-events or one or two major ones. Your character will not be thrown out or put under magnifying glass, it is just so I could know what kind of image is being placed of House Silversaddle.
5. Ranks Trade Leader, Trade Master and Trade Vassal are allowed to host events(Like large caravan, assisting Argent Crusade, helping out local artisans, establishing new trade stations, clearing out roads from bandits, etc.) but remember to write a report IC.
6. All activity by guild members, that would involve outside parties(Argent Crusade, Stormwind Guard, etc.) or activities inside House itself(brawls, conflicts or other events that might be spotted by other personnel and be worth noting to higher ranks, like Trade Leaders, Trade Masters, Trade Vassals and Trade Lord.) must be reported, either IC(As person reporting it would actually tell to higher ranks) or OOC(Person who participated tells me what happened, but his character does not report it IC). When such thing happens and more then few members of the house participate in an event, it is best for event to be reported only once or twice, so do organize who will be doing IC report and who will be doing OOC report. OOC reports must be detailed and not miss out on anything, while IC report depends on character that is reporting it.
7. Act accordingly to your rank: Trainees wont go around, being master's of all weapons, Guards wont be going around giving orders to higher ranks or displaying large wealth(Unless one has reason for his wealth.)
8. This is more of a request then a rule, please don't flood house with members who might wish to sabotage it or it's image, I am already suffering from inability to trust others, and if house will start to go sideways because majority of player membership is actively sabotaging it, I will close door for harm willing characters or everyone. Really will depend on what wave of emotions will hit me. (We all have issues, I am no exception.)

IC Rules

1. All members must remain loyal to House Silvesaddle.
2. All members must not act against law.
3. You are not guards, your training does not allow you go around and solve crime, but you are encouraged to assist in bringing justice.
3. All members must have great attention to detail: wear their uniform while on duty, have their equipment checked and additional equipment packed in case of emergencies(That is warm clothes if assignment requires them to go or near possibly cold areas, be ready to pack up in short time) have clean armor, not stink of sweat(Unless there was no safe way of getting cleaner).
4. All members associated with a caravan(be they guarding it, leading it or advising it to go on certain path) are allowed and encouraged to invest some of their own money as they have high chance of earning extra.
5. All members must report bad activity within The House. There are no individuals, if someone from The House makes a mistake, whole House makes a mistake, if someone achieves something, whole House achieves something, if someone is lazy and not doing what their supposed to do, whole House is lazy. Keep a watchful eye on others!
6. All members must remember, there are 7 rules IC and more might come, if I think of more.
List of members

Player characters : 3 Players : 1
  1. Gehardial Silversaddle [Trade Lord] (Osvaldas)
  2. Ligerat Silversaddle [Trade Vassal] (Osvaldas)
  3. Kepper [Trade Squire] (Osvaldas)

How many of each rank:
  • Trade Lord : 1
  • Trade Vassals : 1
  • Trade Masters : 0
  • Trade Leaders : 0
  • Trade Squires : 1
  • Trade Guards : 0
  • Trade Servants : 0
  • Trade Trainees : 0

Combat oriented NPC members: 336

Stormwind: Trade Headquarters for Naval Trade. 4 (Place to keep an eye out is large.)
Ironforge: Trade Headquarters for Land Trade. 4 (Place to keep an eye out is large.)
Darnassus: Trade station. 2 (Night elves are racist, but keep place well in check. Many opportunities to expand, guards to keep customers from going at each others throats due to night elf mood towards humans.)
Exodar: Trade station. 2 (Draenei keep the place safe and sound, lucky bastards don't have anything to do, other then sit and enjoy what they see, possible other links.)
Darkshire: Trade station. 5 (A trade squire went missing, something is on the loose, link between Sentinel Hill and Darkshire needs to be established soon.)
Goldshire: Trade station. 3 (Lazy guard spot, few murlocks here and there, Ligerat has made it his office, extra guard sent by request of Kepper, Trade Lord's personal Squire.)
Lakeshire: Trade station. 6 (Gnolls on the rise, extra guards to support effort in getting rid of gnoll threat and keep trade station from getting raided.)
Sentinel Hill: Trade station. 6 (Situation is rather extreme, local folk need all help they can get, expecting a lot of crime in near future.)
Nethergrade Keep: Trade station. 5 (Extra guards just in case, caravans have hard time getting to location, more links need to be established.)
Thelsamar: Trade station. 4 (Dwarves keep drinking with guards, one non-drinking guard sent to keep a watchful eye.)
Menethil Harbor: Trade station. 4 (Far away from other stations, more links need to be established, threat from the swamps and horde in the area.)
Hearthglen: Trade station. 3 (Holiday resort, nothing to do other then sit and enjoy sound of Crusaders training, away from other stations, more links need to be established, many locations that could be used to expand, forsaken/scourge threat.)
Booty Bay: Trade station. 6 (Goblins can't be trusted.)

4 Combat oriented ships.
* 1 For Escort of Manor Ship. 19
* 3 For other tasks. 14 each.
4 Multi purpose ships.
* 4 For Trade and other tasks. 13 each.
1 Manor Ship.
* 1 For Transport of important people. 16
1 Trade Vessel/Cargo Ship.
* 1 For Trade and other cargo/transport tasks. (Always has some sort of escort.) 12

Caravans go as follows: One man up front, watching front for ambushes, alert (Weapons drawn.)[1]; one man on either flank, near caravan or just off road watching the flanks of the caravan, alert (Weapons drawn.)[2]; one at the back, providing over watch and making sure caravan isn’t attacked from the back, alert (Weapons Drawn.)[1]; leader of caravan, alert(depends on his decision, if rest of caravan gets their weapons ready.)[1]; one drover for each mule. They usually are focused on the mule they are assigned to, keeping it calm and moving with it(Weapons usually not drawn, unless caravan leader says otherwise.)[Number depends on amount of mules. Minimum number for mules: 2]. There may be situations when extra mule guards are assigned, so numbers change depending on the cargo and area that caravan travels through.

Summary: Stationed troops: 53; Troops on sea: 141; Troops on road: 142.

Becoming a member

Everyone can join, we will work something out in some form of conversation.
You can expect contract based membership, as in you get this and this for that time, and this and this for that time, while doing all that for that amount of time.
Just getting first post, in case I need to do some event or other kind of tracking... or run out of space in main post. Either way, if you have suggestions on what should find it's way on the main or secondary posts, please tell, I might have forgotten something. Would be nice if that telling be via PM or skype. Like mentioned somewhere above, no plans for making it active myself, at least at the moment, so if you think you can forge something you would enjoy forging, PM me and we will see what we can do. Sorry for spelling, me engrish be bad.
Wow. This sounds good! I don't know how I haven't heard about this until now. No special profiles needed for this one, right?

EDIT: Derp, I should read more carefully.
Not sure what you mean. Depends on rank of character you want... also that application thingie... I will need to add it, after I had some good sleep. Near end of each rank I wrote what profile it would be, if nothing, then no profile required, just app that I have yet to post up.
Because I like attention and I hope I wont get too much of it, I call this no longer a work in progress, sure no NPC combat ready members, since GMs like to have some actual fun, I don't mind it. I will update this when ever need comes or mood swings in a good way. Lets hope this will last longer then Shadow Envoy(Assassin organization that for some reason wanted to serve Silvermoon, stupid now, back then looked like a great idea.)