Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Paflick's Introduction
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Hello there! My name is Paflick, and this is my introduction. I just copied the format over, so I hope I got everything.

First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player: I am eighteen years old, born in early 1996, and I played World of Warcraft regularly from 2007 to around 2012. I got started roleplaying very soon after I was introduced to WoW, as I liked it more than I did PvE or PvP. After I quit playing WoW, I became involved in The Old Republic, and continued to roleplay there for a while, but eventually grew disinterested with that.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?: I was born in the Midwestern United States, the land of corn fields and... Well, not much else, actually. I have what I like to think is an accomplished grasp of the English language, though some may tell you otherwise.

How did you get into Warcraft?: My best friend (then and now) introduced me to the Warcraft Universe shortly before The Burning Crusade was released. He allowed me to create a character on his account (a Tauren Druid, I believe it was) and let me run around the starting area for a little bit. A few months later, I got my own account and started playing (I believe it was on the Zangarmarsh server). After some boredom with that, I switched over to Moon Guard, found a good group of friends, and remained there until I quite playing the game.

What made you seek our server over others?: I think, like many others, Conquest of the Horde draws me in because of the heavy roleplaying emphasis. Other private servers, like Molten, for example, provide a great experience, but they don't really deliver in creative needs, as it were. For that reason, I think that CotH would be a wonderful time.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?: One would be hard pressed to find a type of roleplay that I wouldn't at least try. I've tried it the purist way, and still occasionally play some D&D with friends, but that takes a -lot- of effort to get set up. Online roleplay is great for accessibility, and provides many different ways to go about it.

As for specific types of roleplay, the same thing applies. I enjoy good old sitting at the bar conversing RP, fighting RP is very enjoyable every once in a while, the cloak-and-dagger conspiracy RP is really fun, the unmentionable ERP can be enjoyable if it's called for, and so on. Never knock anything until you try it!

What is your favorite race/class? Why?: I've always been enamored with Trolls. It's hard to pinpoint a real reason, but I think the entire backstory of the race just appeals to me: they've been around Azeroth for a -long- time, and there are so many different types of Trolls around. The different groups have seen many of the younger races come and go, and each time they've stuck around. Simply put, Trolls are everywhere, and they aren't really going anywhere any time soon. I think that's really what does it for me.

As for class, I've always played and will continue to stick by my favored Priests. The class just has so much versatility in the way it can be played and, likewise, roleplayed. OOC'ly, you can be a walking shadow that melts faces, or what amounts to a living shield, or a walking bandage. IC'ly, there are so many different possibilities. If you're traditional, you can do the old “Holy priest of the light” schtick. If that doesn't appeal, a Priest is a great choice for something like a Witch Doctor with just a bit of modifying, or any real Tribal elder of some kind. There is just so much that can be done with the class.

What are your expectations of this server?: My expectations of the server are probably similar to the server's expectations of me. I would like to be able to log in to the server and be able to find a good group of people to perform out a story with, be able to progress a character, and hopefully make a couple of friends along the way.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?: I would say that, while it may not really be counted as a rule, the “humility” part of the rules page is the most appealing aspect. Playing on Moon Guard, it was really common to find people who, through either lack of experience or just plain ignorance, were very egocentric in regards to their story. With CotH, I think that problem could be avoided much more easily, and it makes the experience much better for all involved.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!: Alright, sure, here goes nothing.

“But really, like I said, you can't just walk up to a kobold den and take the candle sitting outside. It just won't work for you.” Harin spoke out loud to no one in particular, his lazy pace down the road only ever interrupted by the occasional shake of the pole he held over his shoulder. “No, what you've got to do is take the whole shebang. And by shebang I mean kobold.”

The Human's statement rang true, as on the end of the pole he held, there was one whole kobold, nicely tied and trussed with quite a few layers of thick cord. As one would expect, carrying a whole, live kobold on the end of a stick was no easy task, and the creature was giving a mighty struggle. However, the term “mighty” for a kobold does not really hold the same weight as it might for, say, an orc. Or, in this case, a human.

The Human that carried this Kobold-on-a-stick was about what one would expect to see traveling the roads of Elwynn forest, minus the aforementioned apparatus. Brown leather jerkin over a stained white shirt, dark green cloth pants tucked in to brown leather boots, and a ratty pair of fingerless brown leather gloves. The black hair that fell in front of Harin's eyes gave off a scent that would overpower even the most iron-stomached of ogres, not to mention the rather prominent streaks of dirt that covered his face.

“You probably already know what I mean, though, don't ya, buddy?” Harin gave the pole a bit of a shake, making the creature tied on to the end give out a cry not dissimilar to that of a dying cat. The man let out a loud laugh at this sound, and continued to chuckle all the way in to Goldshire, where he propped the rat-man upwards against a wall in front of a very exasperated-looking guardsman.

“Harin, how many times do I have to tell you-- Oh, never mind, just take the reward and get out of here.” The guardsman tossed a brown sack that jingled happily in the air, and Harin caught it just as excitedly. As he walked toward the tavern, intent on finding something with which to quench his thirst, the guard yelled after him, “Would you just kill them next time?!”

IMPORTANT: So, as soon as I finished that, I saw the post at the top of the introduction submission forum that contained the newest template. I'll leave what I have above, since it might help, but I'll copy down anything I missed below here. Sorry about that!

How did you find us? Did anything in particular draw you to the server?: The reasons I listed above, but as for finding the server itself, I can confidently say that Google was my best friend. I was looking for a good RP community, and this group popped up right there!

Did you know that we have a Mentor Program? It's entirely voluntary and you as a new player can sign up for it right now in your introduction! Are you interested in signing up to be assigned a Mentor? If so, say so here (Please enter at least "Yes" or "No"): Yes; I would love to try this out! I would like to think that I have at least the basics of roleplaying down, but a mentor would be a great way to learn the ins and outs of the server, and hopefully find a group to get started with! And besides, one is never too experienced to get more help.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?: I think what I've read around the site just about covers most of my questions. Past that, I'd just like to make it known that I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone, and that hopefully we'll get some good experiences in the future!
Throm'ka, potential recruit!

You have taken a tremendous step with this submission! You will receive an 'official' response in due time, but meanwhile you may wish to ensure you've reviewed the following:
  • Rules (Remember, ignorance is no excuse in the case of rule-breaking! Don't make the Peon Overseers lash you with the whip any more than necessary!)
  • Policies (There are some policies that may be rather uncommon, so if you have not yet checked them then spare a moment to do so!)

Some extra reading that may be of use:
Soon, you should receive a reply to your submission from one of the Peon Overseers informing you of whether you are a suitable candidate for Peonship. Be patient! Just review the above information and a response will come before you know it! As an aside, I think Peon Paflick has an... er... 'interesting' ring to it, eh?
Hello and welcome to Conquest of the Horde, Paflick!

Fantastic introduction! I liked your story, and I'm 100% with you on the RP versatility thing -- it's fun trying something new every once in a while. And you like trolls! That's one of the races that always need more love. Either way, I'll get you signed up for the mentor program and hopefully you'll hear from someone soon!

Now, as per standard approval procedure, a couple of notes! Once you've doublechecked all the pages Krotok linked (they're all great sources of information when you're just getting started!), make sure to create an in-game account here (if you haven’t already) using the same information you registered your forum account under.

When you create your account and log onto the server, do not forget to /join Chat, where you can talk with other players and ask questions. We also have a Skype group that I'm sure you'll find useful for finding/planning RP and, well, just talking to people (assuming you have Skype, that is)!

We also have character creation tips here and a lot of various guides in the forum Krotok linked. You may find them useful when working on your first character or profile or just trying to get the feel of the server. This guide is recommended for all new players!

Lastly, feel free to toss me a PM (I swear this is the last link) if you ever have any questions or concerns and I will try my best to respond soon!

And, of course, have fun! ;)