Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Friends, Enemies, Lovers, Rivals.
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Hello there! I made this thread because I'm looking to drum up some more-than-casual RP with my characters. Whether it's having a friend to go and adventure with, have a rival they want to outdo or an enemy they vow to destroy, they all need something -more-.


Alicia is a human pyromancer with a penchant for punching things. She has been an inactive character of mine since a storyline in Northrend came to a close but she has recently suffered a marriage breakdown and is ready to appear just about anywhere in the world with nothing to lose after the final slammed door.

What I need for her is something for her to get her anguish out with. She could use a friend to console her and help her through this tough time or even someone to be rebound guy/gal. On the other hand, she could do with a good enemy or two to try and pummel to a pulp to work out those emotions.


Elara is a Sin'dorei priest turned Blood Knight. She's currently trying to recruit anyone capable of holding a sword or hammer to help her out in the frontlines of a Ghostlands-cleansing mission but has fallen into a depression after a few months of no one even coming to inquire about signing up while her comrades have ranks and ranks of troops to lead.

The thing Elara needs is someone to convince her that having no one sign up doesn't mean she's not fit to be a leader. She could also do with a person telling her she really -isn't- fit to lead anyone and that she should give up. Anything that will give her a reason to be active again is welcome.


Reyna is a Blood Elf Minstrel who wanders the world with carefree abandon to share her music with the world and to learn everything she can about the music of other cultures. She's a very no-worries kind of person and gets along with just about anyone who doesn't spit on her chosen path in life.

What's needed for Reyna is just about anyone. She could do with a friend (or potential lover) to see the world with and enjoy the many wonders life has to offer. Alternatively, someone out to get her gives her a reason to turn to her more aggressive side and take up arms.


Tessen is a human mage and botanist who travels the world with her elven lover to broaden her horizons and understand everything she can about the world she lives in, including studying both the land and the people who inhabit it.

She will always welcome additional companions to adventure with her in places she would otherwise have to venture alone. Of course, that also spawns the opportunity for anyone who would try and harm a civilian woman.

In summary, the requests above are just ideas. If you have someone who doesn't quite fit the description but you think would be able to start some in-depth and continuous RP with any of these characters, let me know and we'll see what we can work out. All the characters are profiled so look them up on the wiki if you want a bit more insight on them.

Send me a PM on the forums or leave a post in this thread if you're interested!