Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Poll: RP Flavours
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I love Mundane RP!
I just HAD to go with HORROR.

I mean, what's not to love about a little spine chilling and teeth chattering fear?

Wow, I'm really having some trouble writing this for some reason! This is my third go around in trying to express what I want to say, I will start off by apologizing if anything is poorly said.

When I voted on this poll for the first time I had a very narrow mindset as I just very quickly went through it and this was what I did in my mind; "Have I done it? Guess I should check it." "Haven't done it? No check!"

That's unfair to myself, because I'm essentially communicating that I prefer certain styles of RP over others that I haven't even tried before. Perhaps you even take it as me saying I -HATE- the other styles of RP listed here and I won't want to do them because I didn't vote for them. After looking back upon this I do have to apologize to myself, so... Sorry Paylonas!

I haven't really ever come across a type of RP where I have said that I am not content with this OOCly, I might be upset or disgruntled at the time, but there has never been a time where I just refused to do that style of RP again. I'm sure that it will happen in the future because I am a very young and inexperienced player in the realm of Roleplaying, which is why I should experiment more on the things I haven't tried and would like to try. Or maybe I'm not really sure about trying them, and then I end up surprising myself? Who knows?

TL;DR? (Longest TL;DR I've ever seen, sorry!)

I'm going to start experimenting in RP in non-familiar situations to the ones I am used to and comfortable with, I am going to step out of my comfort zone and explore the vast reach of the unknown... What we don't know is pretty scary, I'll be the first to admit that any chance I get. More-so I am also inviting other players to perhaps step out of their own comfort zones as well, maybe surprise themselves with things they enjoy that they never would've though of. Perhaps have a GM set up an event which isn't really the normal thing which events are, or an event that the GM wouldn't ever think of doing themselves because they aren't confident. Failure happens in life, but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger and we can only grow to learn from the mistakes and success that we make.

When I first joined the server not many people interacted with me because I was a new face, I had to step up and ask for help even though I was scared because I didn't know what to expect from the people online. Even then it took a little while for me to start RPing, I didn't ask someone else to RP with me - Someone else asked me and it really made my day. Which was relevant but I forgot!

Well my little session of typing is over, I'm tired, tried my best, sportsball- Thanks for reading.
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