Conquest of the Horde

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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
As a player of WoW, and of any MMO really (I've been through GW2, SWTOR, Champions Online, Istaria -- Wonderful community when I first joined --, up to ESO), the key reigning factor that keeps me in is community. It's the people, and the roleplay, that really locks me in there. I love story so much, and the interactivity of it with other people was something I latched onto like a hot wire when I first found it. I never fit into any social grouping, ever, so when I found people who enjoyed writing out their characters' actions as much as I did, it was like I'd just fallen into the Holy Grail and got my picture taken by a Kodiak camera held by... oh, I don't know. The typo demon, maybe, considering how often he grips my unsuspecting keyboard.

Sure, I love the content. I enjoy leveling up (ESPECIALLY if it's a challenge), I love just having fun with the game. I was never a raider, never will be, though I did try now and again. My favorite thing to do, if not roleplaying, is joking around with other people, cracking puns and trying to get them to laugh. I've had a lot of laughter in WoW retail, and hope that I might get that same kind of feeling here!

Throughout my time in retail WoW, and other games, I watched a whole lot of different guilds as I became better and better at RP. I saw what worked, and what didn't work. By the time I was ready to try, for real, to make one of my own guilds, it sadly was in another game... GW2. At the time, there was a delightful sub-community in one of the lesser-used races: The charr. With my fiancee Beargrin, I worked in the implements that I had seen to work well. For a while, we were the biggest Charr guild in the server, with 50+ players and storylines flowing like a superbly leaky faucet. I had so much fun. It eventually cracked out after about a year or so, but I learned a whole lot on dungeon-mastering for large groups, how to make it smooth, how to keep people happy and resolve problems OOCly as well as ICly. I think, overall, it made me a better person as well as a roleplayer... what more could I ask for out of a community?

I'm hoping here, I might be able to make some friends and have some of that enjoyment again. I love the story of Warcraft, how big it is, all of its personal effects. I've played it for so long that it feels like 'home base' in terms of MMOs.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I hail from Saturn.

...I wish.

I'm an American. I speak english, bad english, and very scant German. VERY scant. I had just enough of a class that I can squint at a line and kinda... sort of... maybe understand it. I also speak bird. And cat. Mostly because I have owned at least one of each at some point. I know just enough cat to tell you that "Miaolurglurghlurghlurgh!" means your cat is about to barf. I'm not a city American, however, my heart lies in the boonies, so I've never been up to a lot of cultural standards of the time. Heck, I haven't even seen Frozen yet. Travesty, right? I've never seen so many fangirls for a movie in my life ever since Legolas first swung his hair on-screen.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Welp... that one's kinda funny. Back in high school, I saw a video. Exactly one video, on Youtube. It was... "Beer for my horses." Someone had done a Warcraft video for it. I was so fascinated by this that I ended up looking more videos of the game, back when it was vanilla, and I joined up. I was so excited! I had to get more RAM to play it, and I was so pumped that I started the game without the RAM first, just to see the difference in gamestyle. I think my FPS was about... one frame every five seconds. But when I plonked the new RAM in, it was the smoothest I ever saw a game play in my life, on my computer!

Aaaand it was about 15 FPS. I didn't care. I heard the Teldrassil music playing, everything was pretty, and I was freaking out trying to show everyone in the house. Sentinels, first character, Zheena. I was Alliance for all of a year. Since then, I rolled up a Tauren hunter, and decided Horde was the way to go. WoW is actually how I met my fiancee, Beargrin. I'll let him tell the story in his intro, he loves to share it.

How did you find us? Did anything in particular draw you to the server?:
I was looking around a few days ago, really, just wondering if such a thing as a private RP server for WoW existed. I'd never heard of one before, all the other private servers I found were just for the gamers. No roleplayers. Thus, I could never get into it. Especially the servers that were made to be easy. When you hit level 60 in a day, just... there's no fun in that, not for me. I'm not a raider, but I also like to work for a level, ya know?

The name itself of this site also drew my attention, since I'm definitely a bigger fan of the Horde than the Alliance. My first thoughts upon bringing up the front page: Ohhh! Something like this actually exists!? But... it's probably dead, now, isn't it? No one could possibly still be playing it. Maybe if I look to see recent threads. ....Wait! Someone posted TODAY? And so are the last few posts!? This is active! I have to show Bear!

I literally was freaking out on the spot. I felt like a kid in a candy store. Still do, really; the prospect of roleplay, especially with something so familiar to me like WoW, makes me glomm onto my keyboard like it's a beloved pet.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
All kinds, really! I'm overall not too picky. Though, I like to have it all dispersed. If I have a lot of tavern RP, I'll try to go do something else afterwards. I normally go to taverns to have my characters exchange news, possibly cause some trouble, relax, or find contacts. I love open-world RP. I like to initiate story, DM plotlines, work with other peoples' plots, and try new things. The only RP I've had trouble with is in PvP or battlegrounds. There's no time to really write out a good line... especially with me. See, I panic in PvP unless I can stealth. The person running around jumping while being clawed on the butt by an angry druid? Yeah, that's generally me. Odds are, I've been totally startled and am currently yelping loudly enough to startle both Bear and the dog.

I've RPed dark themes, I've RPed light themes. Celebrations, tournaments... Storytelling is hard, because there's not much for others to reply to, unless you find a way to make it interactive for people. There's a few ways to do it, rather than just having your character sit on a pedestal and talk at someone. I like going to events (I remember one where my character went to a HUGE trial for some of the big bads of the server), but I prefer smaller groups. 4-6, possibly 7. 7 is pushing it. The more people you have, the more confusing it gets, especially if they aren't using post order. And it sure slows down! Hence, when I hold big events, I try to keep people in seperate, small groups, so that it doesn't drag on for hours and hours and hours. One of my events was eight hours long... Totally not intended.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
That is a hard one to choose. I like a whole lot of the races. I suppose I could list off which ones I like, and why...

Tauren: I adore Tauren! I love their harmony with the land, the spiritualism, the sense of honor and duty to each other. They appear peaceful, but they can be extremely dangerous and violent, if the need is strong enough. I love their look, I love their culture, their architecture, the voices (Okay, maybe only the male voices... Female Tauren: "HOO-HOO-HOOH, HUH HUH." Nrrgh, cow laugh.)

Draenei: Every time I see them (The males, mostly) I can't help but think... 'They're so happy, all the time! Happy!' The voices, the way they move. It's full of awww. Their lore, though sparing, is also interesting; though, I've never played a really ancient Draenei. One of my main characters was Draenei for a while, a big ox of a klutz, who loved to laugh and give people hugs. Always gave me a smile to RP as him!

Troll: I love Trolls. I'm not completely savvy on all of their lore, but I do know a good chunk, because I did a lot of research when I made another of my favorite characters. The accent is fun as heck, the story is interesting, and the breeds are all so different and unique. Vol'jin is an awesome character, and I'll like him no matter what. Their voices are delightful, their attack animations (Again, for the males... the females are too stiff) fun to watch. I'm one of those who wish the troll female beta was the one that made the cut, instead of the model that ended up being the default. Maybe I don't want to be a pretty woman!

Gnome: ....Sooo undervalued. I enjoy playing a gnome, but I only ever played one with more of a serious demeanor. If you think about it, that deal with Gnomeregan... that story would be a horrifying, apocolyptic story! Iiif they were taller. But, midgets are funny, so their leprosy is generally ignored and their plight put aside by most RPers (from what I've seen, anyway) to the point that they're pretty much the shunned stepchild of the Alliance. I prefer playing them to goblins, because I'm not a very selfish person, and it's hard to get in tune with a goblin's greedy fingers.

The others, I'm less fond of, but have still RPed from one time to another. Forsaken are fun, but I had to RP one that wasn't so fond of Sylvanas. I'm sorry, she just doesn't make sense to me. She's a total hypocrite! Humans, I mostly avoided, because why play what you are in real life? If I'm given the ability to be something strange and unusual, I'll have it! Night elf is another one I had some trouble with. It's hard to imagine everything they would know after living so long, and their personalities didn't mesh so well with mine. I ended up rolling a night elf who was insane, post-traumatic stress disorder, that I was able to manage and have fun with.

Orcs, I never feel as though I could do right. I have made several, and each time, kind of shy off of it. I don't know why, it's strange. Blood elf, I kept trying, but absolutely cannot play. I'm sorry, but the females annoy me, and... well, so do the males, I guess. I think it's the laugh. Or the twigginess. I look at the female blood elf arm and imagine the bone is just made of cartilage. Pandaren were fun, but around that time, I had no guild and no real group of people to RP with, so I never got to enjoy them.

I realize I don't like the female models for most models. ...Hmm... Well, I made my character on ESO muscled, broad, and mannish. That might be why Tauren is the easiest female for me to play. I just don't like playing a skinny female, I suppose!

(I know I didn't mention dwarves. That's because they're smelly. Even if they are awesome and have beer.) Just kidding... I love them, too. Just never RPed one, really. And worgen are also smelly, and don't have beer. Just fleas. I had one Worgen I really enjoyed, but didn't get to play as much as I wanted.

Also, I forgot to include favorite class. So, I would have to saaay... Druid, or hunter. And rogue. It's definitely a fight between those three. I like to slink along behind and snap out some quick damage, and leap back out again. I've played tank now and again, but that makes me nervous. I can heal, however! Priest healing is absolutely delightful, for me. And druid healing... hilarious. There's just something extremely satisfying about watching a panicked treant run around the room, flinging arms repeatedly into the air.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I'm not sure what to expect, really! I'm wondering how full it will be, if it will be mostly quiet or if it will be bustling. I'm not sure how the people will be, though I'm hoping I can fit in okay. But what I am hoping to see, and am giddy about the idea of... is to see RP. Everywhere. I'd love to run into it all the time. Just seeing it, even if I'm on a quest, gets me excited. It's like if someone saw a sports fan of their same team on the other side of the road, they'd just start waving adamantly at each other and be all... "YEEAAAH. We both like the same thing!"

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
My favorite would be the first two, actually. Respect. Respect, respect, respect. A community can't exist, at least not well, without this key aspect. Tolerance follows quickly afterwards. Not everyone will get along perfectly, sometimes there are differing opinions that they feel strongly about. This is the kind of thing that's best left to "Live and let live" than to argue about it. I've stepped away from SO many potential fights when I've seen someone start to get mad, and I've diffused a few others when people became mad, normally OOCly. We're here to have fun, after all, not flame each other. That can be done on other, less friendly places, I imagine!

Did you know that we have a Mentor Program? It's entirely voluntary and you as a new player can sign up for it right now in your introduction! Are you interested in signing up to be assigned a Mentor? If so, say so here (Please enter at least "Yes" or "No"):
I think I might! I know a good chunk of lore, but I think a mentor could help me into the community a little more, if that's a possibility! After all, RP communities have their own IC 'history' on what has happened in the past. THAT, I would have to learn.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
Ladies and gents, I give you... Tambea!

She could remember it. She recalled all of the wrath, depression, and hopelessness that had come with the situation. Tambea was stoking the flames, but her mind was elsewhere, beyond the illuminated canopy of the dense jungle. She had taken herself north, upon Gogrimm's disappearance, taking his departure as though he had done so on purpose. She had flown up through the mountains, into the fog and snow, the rattling, ear-grating buzz of her engineered flying machine too loud to really think. She had always been a little odd for a tauren; it was her love of machinery that labelled her as taboo. An oddity, someone who didn't quite fit in, if her temper alone didn't make sure of it.

The snow was piled deep, and scarred here and there from the legs of the nerubians. She had brought her alpine wolf with her, and had spent weeks camping up in the snow, hunting the beasts one by one. Not always, her hunts were successful... that was just the general flow of things, whether it was nature or on the battlefield. Either you won, you lost, or you somehow scraped away to come back another day. There were too many targets for her to take on as a group, therefore she had camoflauged herself and stayed to the sidelines, snatching the straggler here or there. It was all done to keep her mind off of one idea that had gotten into her head.. that Gogrimm had left her. Each blow the Tauren made was with anger and loss, and every strike she had taken on herself was met with a grim acceptance. Yet, she never died, by some miracle.

And now, years after... she had finished stoking a campfire. The object of her apparent woes was sleeping nearby... recovered, after his lengthy, unexplained disappearance. She had discovered why he'd gone, and had felt both furious and ashamed of her own behavior. He'd let her know, indirectly, how very little she fit in. But as she turned to regard the campfire again, and the assorted creatures that slept beside it... those stalwart companions of both hunters, reliable, strong, and compassionate, it occurred to her. Though she did not belong in a city, she did belong in the wild, alongside her equally feral companion... always hunting, stalking the undergrowth, always scouting ahead for Horde battalions and armies. Here, at least... they were needed.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
I am often working on something or other. I am a college student, currently, as well as employed with an indie gaming studio as a concept artist. Most often, if I am online, unless I am actively questing, I am probably doing work along with roleplaying. It's a strange cycle I've gotten myself into. I could do JUST work, and be done quicker... but it's boring, so that I fall asleep. I could roleplay and do work, which is slower, but I can actually get it done at the end of the day. I'm hoping to fix that at some point, it's not the best way of doing things... but, I am normally multitasking!

Aaand... Lessee. Uh.. I like weird things. That's another important note, right there. I have, in the past, flown up to open-world raid bosses, jumped off my flying mount, pelted them with as many snowballs as I could and then ran screaming in the other direction. I have a wonderful story concerning a friend that needed help and the angry walrus in Northrend, too, that went into my Hall of Shame of biggest personal WoW fails that I still get a laugh out of to this day.

Edit: OOOPS. Speaking of fails... I do them often. Especially on forums. I seem to have put this in the wrong place! ..And then I accidentally deleted everything in here and panicked trying to gather it all again.
Throm'ka, potential recruit!

You have taken a tremendous step with this submission! You will receive an 'official' response in due time, but meanwhile you may wish to ensure you've reviewed the following:
  • Rules (Remember, ignorance is no excuse in the case of rule-breaking! Don't make the Peon Overseers lash you with the whip any more than necessary!)
  • Policies (There are some policies that may be rather uncommon, so if you have not yet checked them then spare a moment to do so!)

Some extra reading that may be of use:
Soon, you should receive a reply to your submission from one of the Peon Overseers informing you of whether you are a suitable candidate for Peonship. Be patient! Just review the above information and a response will come before you know it! As an aside, I think Peon Otterpaw has an... er... 'interesting' ring to it, eh?
Ahem. I'm sorry for the below spam.


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[Image: otter-plays-dead-gif.gif]


[Image: tumblr_lyq461MZP81qzs75go1_500.gif]

[Image: sRfm5f2.png]

Okay, I got that off my chest.

Welcome to Conquest of the Horde!

Here, we can provide you just about any of your RP needs, even in times when the population seems to be rather sparse. We are indeed a very close-knit community, and while not everyone would be in-game at the same time, you can surely contact and chat with us in our Official Skype Group. Don't forget to head over to the Account Management page to register your in-game account, and check our rules, policies, and FAQ, especially regarding how character creation works in CotH and what is allowed and what isn't within the server.

I am drawn to how you have a wide taste of RP styles, but I especially noted your difficulty in storytelling RP. Storytelling RP is one of CotH's strong points (or at least mine, ahaha), where many DMs and group leaders focus on character development and growth as well as telling a fun, deep, tragic, or epic story. Events happen fairly often here and there, and we even have a list of current Cataclysm storylines you can join.

I'm so happy you also enjoy happy-go-lucky draenei males and understand the undervalue of gnomes. I see you're just about open to all races, which puts you on a good spot in searching RP as trends and cycles go within the server population. As for getting you a mentor for specifically fitting into the community itself, we should have someone just for you :).

Your story and writing style looks really interesting! And don't worry about the derps and goofs you make, we're pretty lenient. ;)

Please do enjoy your stay!

I wanted to respond to this intro, but you have otter in the name so Immy was given the duty. By right of otter.

We're basically a feudalistic society here on CotH.