Conquest of the Horde

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I'm currently looking for family (and some friends) for several of my characters.

First up we have my Ophelia Blacktear who was adopted by a human when she was three. Her mother has died giving birth.
What is open here, you ask?
A nurse in the orphanage who took care of Oph before she was adopted. Or someone from the village she grew up. He/she would be would at least fourty if you want him/her to remember Oph.
Or perhaps the man who took Ophelia from her family to put her in the orphanage.

Secondly, we have the Stormrunner family (Khelynn Stormrunner, Elyssa, Taryn and Arevel and Eindea (who has not been profiled))
What is open here?
A mother to Khelynn and a grandmother to Elyssa and Taryn. She's a Priestess at least 13,000 years old and considered a darling by her family. She had a forbidden love with a Highborne, which produced Khelynn and lied about his death to protect her child. She later took a new mate and with this bonding, she gave birth to at least two more children.
Another open spot is Khelynn's father, the Highborne, fighting for the love of Khelynn's mother and his grandchildren. He too is at least 13,000 years old and retreated to Elde'Thalas in order to safeguard his daughter.
Other than that, there are spots as half sisters to Khelynn or their mates.
Also Khelynn's mate is open. I prefer this role to go to someone whom I know better. This man would be a great friend in the past and a great influence in Khelynn's past. Eventually he became the father of both Elyssa and Taryn and the mentor of the latter.
Attention point to this one!
The Stormrunner family is a rather xenophobic one, looking upon outsiders with disdain and distrust, especially members of the Horde. The only exceptions to this are the Draenei, seeing them as quite similiar to them, only more technologically advanced, and the Tauren, due their past friendships with them and the fact one was taught by a Tauren, but only if said Tauren proves him/herself an ally to the Kaldorei.

Next up, we have Celonia Solarius.
A Sin'dorei with a child nearing her first year, currently living in Thunder Bluff with her new girlfriend and her giant cat.
You know the drill by now.
A mother, a devout Priestess of the Light, with a dislike for Celonia's ex and in a way the child but shows both Celonia and Mirya the love only a mother could give. Yet she knows a secret about Celonia not even Celonia knows. (Read Celonia's history for that)
Possible (half) siblings. Either gender, any class, really. They don't know about Celonia's mind control, they do know about Celonia working for their father in his criminal empire.
First spot of siblings is filled by MstrCorvus

Then there's Elles Smith.
This girl was once a farmer/Harvest Witch. When the Forsaken attacked Gilneas, she fled her home and left her mother behind.
The mother, either a Worgen, OOC Worgen/IC human for Druid/Harvest Witch class or an undead, most likely a Rogue, Hunter or a Priest (Shadow being most likely). The father -might- be an option as an undead. But he has been in the ground for a few years so his mind is limited, as is his speech, recognition possibilities and his movement.
Point of interest.
Elles dropped off of the face of Azeroth for a month or so, only to reappear with a Draenei in Dalaran as a coward.
Important warning!
This character has been through some things that are touchy subjects, if you want to know some simpler details, PM me. If you choose to play her family, you must be okay with these subjects!

Then I have one of my newer chars/semi-name sake, Mar'ten Shelar.
She's a young Kaldorei Huntress who spent some time serving in the Honor Hold against the Fel Horde. Here she befriended a Warp Stalker.
Parents, both, haven't seen Mar since the happenings of the Burning Crusade when she served in the Honor Hold. Both are women, one is a Priestess of the Moon and Mar's former mentor.
Siblings are open as well. Also haven't seen Mar since the happenings of TBC. Other openings are Sons/Daughters of Lothar who served with Mar in the Honor Hold.
Attention point here.
She dissapeared to Outland and Honor Hold without a trace, not a letter to her family or even a word.
One sibling spot taken by MstrCorvus.

Next up we have Zaeli Phoenixsong, born Zaeli Icebright. Former Farstrider who went AWOL during the reign of the Fel crystals.
Siblings, both older and younger. Parents who are ashamed of Zaeli and have disowned her. Uncles, aunts.
Former Farstriders with whom she served with now hunting her. Zaeli has now been declared dead and as such, bounty hunters might be hard to justify hunting her.
Her former bard mentor who tried to bed Zaeli and met her fist up close.
Kaldorei who served with Zaeli during the Third War, some have befriended the (back then) Quel'dorei (High Elf), others merely accepted her presence as another soldier against the Legion.
First hunter has shown himself, Lydan Sunfire, played by Paylonas!
One of the sibling spots has been filled by Osvaldas.

Adding Tia to the mix. Former Anchorite in training turned Death Knight and fell into a depression afterwards.
Perhaps a sibling? Preferably an older one and if possible, not a DK. Perhaps her mother could've miraculously survived the attack on Shattrath City.
Not much else, really... Perhaps someone she came across during her travels? If you have any other ideas, feel free to poke me.
One sibling spot taken by Joe2618.

Another update! Weee! Mira to start with. This girl comes from a poor and rather large family as the youngest sibling. Her father was a Farstrider and her mother a housewife. She ran away from home at eighteen and was adopted. Later her adopted father turned her to Necromancy.
Open spots?
One of her siblings. She has seven older siblings with only one confirmed gender, being her oldest brother. He was roasted by Mira before she ran away from home. Could be alive still and with a lot of burnmarks. Parents are open. Even the adoptive father is.
Attention point.
After attacking her brother, she ran away and lost all contact with her family.

Next we have Roberta Long Name Veracruz.
This girl from was born in Lordaeron to a couple of Kul Tiras immigrants. Most of her life she spent on the farm. During the attack of the Scourge, Roberta ran away from home but was captured and sold by a bunch of slavers.
Parents, most likely a couple of Forsaken by now, but the possibility to be still alive is there. Seeing as she lacked siblings, no sibling spot is open. Another option is one of the slavers who captured and sold Roberta.

If you are interested in any of the roles, leave a message below or hit me up on Skype (Maarten13777)! I will respond to you ASAP!
Giving this a bump.
Updated the main post with an opening for Mar's and linked to her wiki page. Also bumping.
Updated the OP with Zaeli. Also bump.
Updated OP and sneaky sneaky bump.
Updated OP with some newer characters and did a strikethrough to Mar due to reprofile.
Slight update and bump.