Conquest of the Horde

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Ohai guys! Did you miss me? Of course not! You don't even know who I am or comprehend the sheer icy closed persona I've been for the larger amount of my stay here. I had my reasons, however that has passed.

So. That aside.

"Stop. Look around you. It's the CotH forum. What's that over there? It's an interesting thread. Back to here. Why are you still looking here? Go, fulfill your destiny!"

Am I the only one that has noticed this trend going that's basically lack of participation in random communication and an overall drop in social activity on the forums? It seems that apart from a few devoted users and obviously the RP circles carrying over to the forums too there really is lack of interest in random banter or any sort of discussions. Threads that have the potential to be fun, long and elaborate die in like 10 replies. It's the middle of the summer for crying out loud! Am I going crazy here? Please tell me I'm not...

What seems to be the problem? I mean I've been keeping watch from the back stage even when I wasn't directly active on the forums and I really feel a disturbance in the force. Is it really that necessary? I really expected more communication during the summer with the yearly waves of players it brings, but here I sit enjoying what little free time I have and I see there really isn't much going on in-game and nearly nothing on the forums.

Has everything been exhausted? Everything told, asked, checked, discussed? Why must such gems like this die?
It has a potential to go on into infinity and I really had a few good chuckles during break at work reading through some of it. Kind of disconnected me from the boring and tedious reality of working 17 hours straight 3 days in a row.

It's not like we bite. You won't get your arm torn off if you take part in the forums. A community thrives on communication and for some reason we have lack of it. Hmm, well, perhaps it's just me hoping things like activity peaks don't change. 5 years, nearing 6. It can't be the same thing every year during summer, right?

Perhaps it's because WoW in itself is dated, even at the new expansions it's same old, same old. Seems I'm rambling... hmm? Ah well, still love you guys anyways. Most fun 5 years ever, wish it wouldn't ever stop.
I agree. My reading material while at work is certainly dwindling!
Even with my limited activity on the forums I've noticed the same trend going on, it's a bit saddening to be honest. I hope I didn't join CotH on it's decline, and I as well hope that it doesn't end any time soon. Even though I've only been here for a short time I've still found myself captivated, entertained, and enjoying the community. I know I'm a culprit of this however, and I'll be doing my best from this point on to be more active on the forum.
There seems to be a general slump going on, which surprises me given it's summer--usually we're much more active. Then again, I've seen several players I haven't seen in a while make a grand return; they just don't post in the forums.

For the most part, you'll likely find them on Skype, where chatrooms can be very lively throughout the day.
Mhm. I personally got my spurs of forum activity before it dies down again, right now I'm active. Few weeks down the line? Who knows. I RP with a ton of people who either just read and don't reply, or never bother with the forums to begin with. :T

Quote:Has everything been exhausted? Everything told, asked, checked, discussed? Why must such gems like this die?

Doubt it, but on some topics I've had a feeling of "Oh not this again" in the past and I quit just replying to them so there's that. (I mean, was bound to happen on some topics, five years and all. Not saying its bad, but perhaps others share it and likewise, quit replying to such threads.)

I really don't consider CotH dying in any form, but that's me.
Dying would be kind of a strong word, but generally speaking I also see lack of interest from Peons. Seems it's the same circle of Grunties in every thread. Look at this exact thread and tell me that this is totally okay and legit for a community of this size.

Oh and as per Skype, I mean I have the ability to log-on on my phone at work, but I can't sit around staring at my phone all day long as much as I wish I could.

All this is rather awkward for mid-summer.