Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: My Skype group
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Hello everyone, I would like to take this moment to state that I am not sure if I am allowed to promote a skype group on the forum and am doing this with the best intent. If there is an issue I do ask you to please tell me in the comments below and I will address the matter as soon as possible. Now then, to properly introduce and promote this I will answer three questions. Those being: Who, what, and why. I will now address each below.


My name is Jameston and I have roleplayed in this lovely community for almost two months now. I have come to love this community and hope to continue roleplaying with you fine people for years to come. Some of you I have gotten to know and those of which I am happy to consider you my friends. I have been roleplaying for about six years now and enjoy it very much, especially when doing it with my good friends/partners in crime, Tim and Nephos. I have roleplayed in San Andreas Multiplayer (SAMP), Garrys mod, voice chat, and now World of Warcraft. I started off roleplaying on Xbox live with my friends on various games such as, GTA4, Halo 3, and even Call of Duty (Yes, I was young and we were bored. dont bully pls q_q) This was a blast for me though everything changed when I went I became a PC gamer in the summer of 2010. This is where I started playing SAMP and even ran my own community for 3 months (Which actually became quite successful.) I then moved onto Garrysmod roleplaying and spent all of my time there, where I met horrible people that even today I question why I talk to them... Tim and Nephos. We have spent the past two years roleplaying together and doing crazy antics on servers (You can ask about the stories in the chat, heh.) Though the Gmod RP community is dying down now and getting over saturated, Tim told us about an old WoW server he used to RP on... Conquest of the horde. So we saddled up and never looked back!


The Skype groups purpose is to give individuals the opportunity to say things in a group chat of potential friends that they other wise wouldn't be able to say in the official Skype group. This Skype group will be friends cracking jokes and discussing topics and just in general having a good time (Though I am not saying that you can't have a good time on the official Skype group, of course.)


Over the past month I have come to see how hard working the wonderful staff of CotH are and individuals making jokes in chat will only add more stress to the job, which isn't fair to them at all. I hope for this Skype group to draw away the inappropriate topics and jokes and instead redirect them to a Skype group which isn't official and is out of the way of those who don't wish to see the jokes and inappropriate topics.

-My main purpose

To help the GMs and along the way and meet new friends. My main purpose in joining CotH was to meet wonderful and like minded people who I could talk openly with and so far I have, but I want to meet more people and I want to make more friends within the community. I feel as though this will be a way to talk and connect with others within the community.


This group is not associated with CotH what-so-ever and the chat will not be governed by the rules of the server. By joining this Skype group you must understand that if you are easily offended, this is not for you. Though, any act of name calling in the chat, will result in immediate bar from chat. This is meant to be a place of fun and jokes, not hatred and anger.

-How to join

1. Go to Skype

2. If you are in the official Skype chat, look for 'Jameston' and add me to contacts. If not, please skip steps 2 and 3.

3. Tell me that you wish to join the Skype group.

4. If you are not in the official Skype chat, go to contacts at the top of your Skype window.

5. Click add to contacts and type 'tyi167'.

6. Tell me that you wish to join the Skype group.

-Final word

I hope that this helps the GMs with the control of the Official chat and if there are any concerns at all, please feel free to contact me here, on the forums or on skype. Thank you all for your time.

Kind regards,

(07-27-2014, 12:43 AM)Jameston Wrote: [ -> ]Over the past month I have come to see how hard working the wonderful staff of CotH are and individuals making jokes in chat will only add more stress to the job, which isn't fair to them at all. I hope for this Skype group to draw away the inappropriate topics and jokes and instead redirect them to a Skype group which isn't official and is out of the way of those who don't wish to see the jokes and inappropriate topics.

I think if your intention is to help the GMs, this is the wrong way to go about it.

GMs enforce chat policies. It's part of their job. If your intended goal is "we need to make this easier on them by reducing the amount of policing they need to do" then the proper way to go about this is through setting a good example and encouraging others to do the same. A way to "vent" these things given context (and let's be frank, this will inevitably have CotH-related chat in it) is not conducive to reducing these issues: as psychology teaches us, venting doesn't release an emotion for good, it merely encourages its return.

Now, that's a personal message.

You're free to make your own Skype chats with however you please (Obviously, as if we could stop you even if we wanted to!) But I'll ask you to understand how this can appear to others outside of this. I believe you when you say you have the best of intentions, but I also believe that separate Skype groups are often used as a means to "vent" or otherwise break CotH's rules, usually with negative emotions directed towards other players or GMs (especially those not present to defend themselves.) This isn't something that anyone is outright immune to.

I'll leave this up, but I will ask that future advertisement for separate, unofficial-CotH Skype chats be kept by word of mouth and not on our forums, lest we have people believing that these chats are merely open grounds for circumvention of CotH's respect rules.