Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Domitian [Nathrezim - Persistent]
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Race: Nathrezim (OOC: Orc)

Class: Warlock

Name: Domitian

ModelID: 26582 (scaled to 0.5)

Duration: Persistent

Location: Azeroth (or wherever else he may be summoned to)

Level: 85

Special equipment: N/A


The concept is easily summarized as a diabolical loan shark. The idea is that Domitian can be a resource for lesser demon mini-CMCs, warlocks and other morally questionable characters. A go-to guy for evil, but everything he does for them comes at a price - he may present them with tasks he needs accomplished, demand favors of them in the future or enter a demonic pact with them.

He can also be an asset for an eventual Burning Legion guild, if one were to pop up.
oh no u didnt
[Image: ZgPlXlc.jpg]
... sadly, taking down this request.