Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Looking for some Storyline runners?
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Welcome! Do you happen to be looking for a subject for a storyline you are working on or want to test out? I have your answer.

Galetheil Skyshield

A Death Knight under the employ of the Argent Crusade who doesn't act her age! She finds herself excruciatingly bored at the best of times, and so she seeks any and all kinds of adventure in the name of something to do. These adventures don't even need to be morally acceptable- she just really wants something to do. This means she can fit into a wide range of storylines as she can adapt to many different situations.
Furthermore, her family is still very much alive. Interested in creating a sibling, just send me a PM!

I shall add more to the list as time goes on!
I throw mini-adventures whenever people want them, so... Feel free to hit me up and we can do some mini-adventures involving your character(s)!