Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Sekrin [Nathrezim - Persistant]
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Race of character/NPC: IC: Nathrezim (Demon) OOC: Human

Class of character/NPC: Warlock

Name of character/NPC: Sekrin

Exact model ID: 34424

Duration that character will be used: Persistent

Location the character/NPC: Azeroth, Outland, Twisting Nether

Level requested: 85

Any special equipment needed: No thank you.

Purpose: I was always fond of characters with dark intentions, villains if you would. This is not different, of course I have Xenaith for when azerothians need to be reminded that they are not safe. But! There are things I can't do on Xenaith as she is. She is still Hailen's minion and she still got a leash around her neck. This is why I am aiming to get this Nathrezim in order to further encourage the Burning Legion RP on CoTH. The character will also be able to act as a master of felsworns if someone would desire for such. I personally think that kind of RP would be preeeettty neat. Oh and of course there's also the Burning Legion guild which is just getting started by Grogloki, I was/am actually planning to join that with Serkrin, it should be a nice opportunity for me to get some good RP with like-minded players and characters. Just like with Xenaith, I am planning to actively RP the character and not let it gather dust in a corner.

I kept the profile short and to the point for easy reading, just so you guys can get some info about the character. I can enlarge it if necessary though!

Character Full Name: Sekrin

Character In-Game Name: Sekrin

Nickname: The Abolisher

Association(s): The Burning Legion

Race: Nathrezim

Class: Warlock

Age: 33,202

Sex: Male

Hair: Bald

Eyes: Fel Green

Weight: 11.200 lbs

Height: Scale 0.65


Sleep: As a master of magic, Sekrin can put an individual in a sleep-like state for a while, keeping him or her out of combat enough for Sekrin to handle the other attackers or to flee.

Carrion Swamp: Fel energy is unleashed upon Sekrin's enemies in the form of green bats which explode on impact.

Possession: Through means unknown by the mortal races, the Nathrezim can possess the mind of their targets, using them as their host. Sekrin is able to do just that, he uses the possessed human body as their host, taking full control of the humanoid. He uses this so he may pass unnoticed among the azerothians.

Vampiric Aura: Sekrin has a vampiric aura which lets him replenish his life energy as he deals damage and causes pain to the enemies.

Inferno: A spell Sekrin rarely ever uses, he has the ability to call down an infernal from the twisting nether to end his battle if he has more pressing matters to attend. He can also use the spell in order to change the odds of a battle he isn't part of without showing his true self.

Usual Garments/Armor: Sekrin uses some sort of crimson colored set of fine leather meant to protect him in battle from the mortal weapons. It was probably forged very long ago somewhere in the Twisting Nether.

Personality: Sekrin is not different than his kinship. He is cunning manipulative manipulative and more than cruel. With malicious intentions, he wouldn't shy away from anything for a chance to push Azeroth back in Burning Legion's grip. He finds great pleasure in tormenting the life on Azeroth. Providing that his history began before Sargeras was even corrupted, he wouldn't shy away from betraying the legion if he has a very good reason to do so or if he finds out that he is not being treated with the respect he deserves. But he is still loyal to Sargeras and his lieutenant Kil'jaeden.

History: Sekrin as a Nathrezim is a lieutenant of the Burning Legion, leading countless demons to war. On Draenor Sekrin remained within the shadows, hidden among the orcs while watching the events unfold. The opening of the Dark Portal was all he needed, he slipped inside the new world, beginning to spread his webs through the Alliance. He possessed a human noble, the head of a Stormwind noble house. He started to turn humans against each other, taking great pleasure in watching the humans kill each other. He continued his nefarious acts and helped with the destruction of Stormwind from inside while the orcs did the rest. He murdered his host and carried on, possessing an orc. He kept that disguise throughout the first war as he awaited the orders of the Burning Legion.

The second war wasn't particularly different for Sekrin, he possessed another human noble, this time one from Lordaeron. He did his best to bring down Lordaeron from behind it's walls but his efforts were not enough, the horde failed to bring down the same walls and it was the time for him to remain silent as he watched the Alliance win the war.

Sekrin rejoined with the Burning Legion when the Scourge was unleashed into the world, helping with it as he knew best, by infiltrating the targeted town and cities. He returned to Lordaeron, he watched Arthas plunge the sword through his own father. That was the moment when Sekrin believed that the Burning Legion will finally be successful in taking over Azeroth. He rejoined with his demonic brethren and marched through the Eastern Kingdoms led by Sargeras' lieutenant, Archimonde. The legion of demons with Sekrin included would soon enough reach the World Tree. The invasion would be a failure however, the Burning Legion is once again defeated by the azerothians and Sekrin goes into hiding to avoid death. He remained hidden for the next years, he continued to spread his web and gain information for the Burning Legion. He still finds pleasure in turning the inhibitors of Azeroth against each other while waiting for another invasion.

Notes: I am not planning to use the possession ability on player characters, my only intention is to take control of NPC characters, that way he can spread chaos without showing his true identity.
After a bit of thinking and all. I decided that Xenaith is enough for me for now and that for a Nathrezim is not exactly something particularly needed in our server base right now. I'd like this to be moved to the inactive/denied/whatever subforum whenever the next CMC approving session happens. <3
Actually, this CMC was just created. Moving this to Active and PMing you the details shortly. If you don't want the CMC anymore, let me know and we'll retire it.