Conquest of the Horde

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Would it be possible for a Death Knight to reanimate his own body using blood magic?
Lets say my Death Knight wants to regain his humanity. And he artificially makes his blood flow again using blood magic, going through immense pain to reanimate his organs and muscles.
From what I have gathered, DK's souls is infused back into his, now dead, body.
And considering it should be possible to regenerate tissue and reinstate blood flow using rune magic. It should be theoretically possible to reanimate his body to feel almost human again.
My though is to have his body reanimated, which means he will be able to have biological processes going on, being able to eat, drink, get drunk, feel etc. Which would lead to me being able to RP the process of him being reanimated, reactions to a DK with a living body, being able to join people in eating and drinking.

To clarify, I dont want to un-DK the DK. He will still be undead. But his body will be like a working organic golem which he will have to maintain with blood rune magic.
If memory serves me well, DKs can make their own blood flow and organs work as if they were never dead. Some do it to, as you said, feel more alive. DKs don't -need- to eat, as they are walking corpses, or drink or sleep, but they are able to. The body itself can't really be 'alive' again, due to the fact, -if- memory serves me well, the very soul of the person has been corrupted as well as the body it inhabits. Said blood flow/working organs would require a constant attention from the runic magic the DKs use.
It wouldn't be possible to be truly alive again but possible to -feel- it.

This is personal memory as well as opinion!
Yeah, thats what I have in mind, to "feel" alive.
What you're neglecting to mention is that DK Souls were improperly welded back to their bodies, which in and of itself is what stops DKs the most from feeling alive. It stops most of their senses other than touch, etc. And while this theoretically is possible, it would be a massive undertaking that would probably require all of their runic energy to properly continue moving everything about.

However, this is all kind of null. The server in the past used to have quite a few Living Death Knights that either did what you were doing or just had never died, and we ultimately decided that we did not like the idea and stopped them from being played. We've no problem with your character yearning to be alive, but they could not reanimate themselves and start acting as if they are alive.
So its a complete NO or can I do the "feel alive" thing that Maarten mentioned, by simulating blood flow, working organs and touch?
I don't think it's a complete no, as I'm unsure on how far we traditionally allow the DKs to go. However, let me grab you a few quotes.

Quote:The souls of the undead (Forsaken, PC death knights, ghouls, etc.) are imperfectly attached to their bodies; the dark magic that sustains them is a buffer that prevents their souls from properly joining with their bodies. This is why undead feel only faint sensations of pain or discomfort from most physical stimuli, and why the Light is so painful to their existence.

Quote:Record of undead emoting positive emotions are rare, though there are reports, however, that some Forsaken have slowly experienced a sharpening of their dulled senses of touch, smell, etc., as well as an increase in the flashes of positive emotions that have otherwise become so rare since their fall into undeath, when influenced by the Holy Light. The drawback however, is that they also become disgusted with themselves and are likely to increase attempts at their own self-destruction; for regaining these senses would force the undead to smell their own rotting flesh, taste the decay in their mouths and throats, and even feel the maggots burrowing within their bodies.[7]

Essentially, your guy would feel very little. The only way for an Undead person to really gain their senses back is through channeling the Holy Light, which is something we don't allow DKs to do for multiclassing reasons. I don't really think that your solution here with him using blood flow would help all too much, as it's not the lack of blood that stops Death Knights from feeling -- it's the fact that their soul isn't all there. So, him channeling blood around (which likely would require all of the runic power he has with blood, thus rendering him useless with Blood as long as he's moving his own around) might not really help him at all. You could have a placebo effect going, but ultimately the true effect him moving blood would have would likely be minor.
Makes sense, I was taking it too scientifically and disregarded that its just "magic".
So the only way to regain some of the humanity is by influence of Holy Light? Could that be done through external sources? Like a priest or paladin cleansing me?

I would like to have Arukard walk the path towards regaining humanity, or to at least be close to it. Psychically its doable, but not sure about physical side. Any tips?
You'd need them to do that regularly in that case, and then most of what you feel is going to be pain. I personally don't believe in using blood magic to simulate life and bloodflow since everything is already dead. The blood is coagulated, the organs and all rhe tissue are dead. They won't "start working" because you start pushing blood around, and I don't think the DK blood magic is precise and accurate enough to pull it off without breaking the body apart from the inside which would, if using the holy light, make the entire experience extremely painful.

DKs are still capable of "feeling" emotion and have a sense of touch. Nothing they can do with magic is going to accurately simulate any other signs of life. Because they are dead, and they can't change or reverse that. :)
Yes, essentially on the influence part. As for external sources, I'm unsure. We could probably get it from someone more versed in the Holy Light, as it's not really my thing. But, right now, I'd say that it could but it would need to be a fairly large effort that might not be feasible. I mean, Paladins & Priests have duties, and it might not be the best use of their time to sit there and pump the Light into a Death Knight. IIRC, the Undead only really get feeling from the Light if they have prolonged, consistent exposure to it, something that's more than just one heal or something. Ultimately, though, we'd probably want another opinion on that.
(12-24-2014, 08:08 AM)Arukard Wrote: [ -> ]Makes sense, I was taking it too scientifically and disregarded that its just "magic".
So the only way to regain some of the humanity is by influence of Holy Light? Could that be done through external sources? Like a priest or paladin cleansing me?

I would like to have Arukard walk the path towards regaining humanity, or to at least be close to it. Psychically its doable, but not sure about physical side. Any tips?

Hi, I play(ed) a DK named Versich who was in a sort of similar situation. From how I roleplayed, he could not simulate being alive. He had no natural inclination to eat or breathe, and had to force himself to simulate breathing to not feel weird around the living. Nor could he do the thang, nor did he have any inclination to commit to it. I don't personally believe in the whole 'blood DK using blood runes to simulate being alive' thing, as that's sort of weirdly specific magic that... never really made sense to me and would be the equivalent of constantly channeling a spell to act like you're alive.

I do not believe being blessed or 'cleansed' by a priest would help at all. All that would do is clear your body of any curses, which would burn like heck because you're undead. It's like being submerged in lemon juice when you're covered in cuts. The lack of feeling is more about the damaged soul and less about the body itself, which is basically just an animated husk once you're undead. A soul dangling on to a body that should not be housing it, and should not be moving.

Quote:Record of undead emoting positive emotions are rare, though there are reports, however, that some Forsaken have slowly experienced a sharpening of their dulled senses of touch, smell, etc., as well as an increase in the flashes of positive emotions that have otherwise become so rare since their fall into undeath, when influenced by the Holy Light. The drawback however, is that they also become disgusted with themselves and are likely to increase attempts at their own self-destruction; for regaining these senses would force the undead to smell their own rotting flesh, taste the decay in their mouths and throats, and even feel the maggots burrowing within their bodies.[7]

Basically I just roleplay this passage as meaning 'if you are truly faithful in the Light then you shall receive these "benefits", which really suck'.

As far as I know, this quote is the closest you can get to being alive once made undead.
The Holy Light is canonically capable of cleansing the spirits of the dead, as seen in the Summoning the Charger quest chain, but it's certainly a difficult task. The quest requires the work of a man who's supposedly the best living Human armorsmith (Grimand Elmore) and a host of very rare materials found by the various ingame professions. You also need to have the barding blessed by an ancient spirit of horses whose magic can help you purify the dead. All of that preparation allows the player-character to purify the soul of a Death Knight's charger, turning it into a Light-aligned Paladin Charger.
I just want to know if it is possible to bring a DK back to life, if not, how far can I go.
Worst case scenario I will have Arukard try many things (houray for events) and ultimately fail.
The policy we have now does not allow for Death Knights (or Undead) coming back to life in any form. If they're killed, they can be resurrected to an Undead state, but no Undeath to full life.
(12-24-2014, 12:05 PM)Kaghuros Wrote: [ -> ]The Holy Light is canonically capable of cleansing the spirits of the dead, as seen in the Summoning the Charger quest chain, but it's certainly a difficult task. The quest requires the work of a man who's supposedly the best living Human armorsmith (Grimand Elmore) and a host of very rare materials found by the various ingame professions. You also need to have the barding blessed by an ancient spirit of horses whose magic can help you purify the dead. All of that preparation allows the player-character to purify the soul of a Death Knight's charger, turning it into a Light-aligned Paladin Charger.

That seems like an almost impossible way to have things done---and that's just for a horse. A deathknight is an entirely different situation by every stretch of the imagination, because there'd be more than just a need to purify the soul. They are in every manner of the word dead.

When it comes to working organs and the like... blood DK's usually work with the blood of -other- things, rather than their own blood. It's possible to be a little more flushed and fleshy than the more rotting types of deathknights, but to have a functioning body is beyond me. (Which has had me fighting with people for -years- over deathknights, undead, and eRP. Yes, people do that. Yes, it's happened for a long time. Yes... I stand by everything that would say "That doesn't happen nor should it ever" in regards to things that are dead and sex.)

You could have your character struggle to try to regain as much as possible of their humanity as you'd like though. Just that a lot of it would result in failure and pain. They are an undead, dark magic aberration and mockery of the Light and life created by Arthas. Light and attempting to be purified is a fruitless goal that results in pain and heartache.

Which both can be awesome if played right, heh.
Noted, alright the, pain and suffering with no happy ending it is.
Thank for you cooperation.
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