Conquest of the Horde

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I have a few questions to help me work with my newer character. Basically, he has come to the conclusion that Mana Addiction could possibly be Negated with the Death and Reanimation of the Person who may suffer from it. I have read a part of The Undead Guide, so I now know that this isn't true, but my character does not. It is good to know that the character in question is a Blood Elf. So, my questions are:

1. Would it be acceptible for a character to study Necromancy?

2. Considering the Blood Elves' 'history' with Necromancy, it would be assumed that their society would be highly unapproving if they were to hear of it, correct?

3. Would the Blood Elves send soldiers, assassins, what have you, to kill this character?

I think that's all for now, and I thank you for your answers.
Well, I am no GM or Blood Elf expert, but I will attempt to try and provide answers for your questions!

1. I think it would be, though your succes in that area may range from limited to none at all. Necromancers were once prestige class titles and I don't think they are currently open to be trained in, in fact they may never be available again.

2. Blood elves don't have any history with necromancy I think, though, if you are refering to the invasion of Silvermoon and the resulting destruction of the Sunwell by the Scourge, then I'd say they would have mixed feelings on the matter. After all Blood elves have delved into fel magic as a whole race to appease their mana addiction, and their acceptance of necromancy would depend on how far the public would be willing to go to stop their addiction.

3. Hm, not sure how exactly the Blood Elven law enforcement works, though I probably should considering one of my own characters outlaw-esque position. To respond to the question, I would say maybe. If necromancy is indeed looked down upon then the law might send a small force of Silvermoon Guardians to harass you, if not take you to prison period.

Hope that helped!
Quote:1. Would it be acceptible for a character to study Necromancy?

Well, both yes and no. The Necromancer and Graven One (the two prestige classes dealing with necromancy) are limited to heroes and GMs.

Though have character the studies it, but not actually know anything might be Ok (though it might be best to have such a character in the special section for approval). Though keep in mind that he is doomed to fail since you are not a hero.

Quote:2. Considering the Blood Elves' 'history' with Necromancy, it would be assumed that their society would be highly unapproving if they were to hear of it, correct?

Blood elves in general is very likely to hate, loath and shun those that practice and/or seek knowledge in necromancy. So yeah, it´s not something a character would be likely to boast about, the only race not utterly against it is probably the Forsaken, though that´s a 50/50, it´s not forbidden and Sylvannas even made a few necromancers join them since they are needed. However, many Forsaken might not enjoy the thought of having the kind of people around that made them into what they are.

Quote:3. Would the Blood Elves send soldiers, assassins, what have you, to kill this character?

Well, that depends really, I don´t think they would unless he is a very large threat to them somehow.
Thanks for the help. I suppose he would be studying its practice, but I don't think he would use it for a while, really. I don't intend on him becoming a full-blown necromancer, I intend on him studying such things as a bit of a 'side-mission'. Dabbling, so to speak. However, I can morph his intentions to what would fit the Server's ideas best. He intends mostly to research, giving me time to get things sorted out.
To be absolutely clear: he can study all he likes, but until further notice the ability to actually raise anything would be beyond him, as that is the main thing that makes a necromancer a necromancer.
Yes, that makes sense. My apologies. And thank you for the help.