Conquest of the Horde

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1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?
Of course! I would also like to remind the person who reads this, and possibly my peers who are still pending on their own introductions, that reading over the Rules, Policies, and FAQ's will take more than 5 minutes. It took me about thirty minutes to just read over them once. And I plan on studying them once I have the further time that was allowed me to post this. I learned a thing or two when I looked over the Rules, even, and possibly helped me understand a few things in every day life. I.E: Respect, and how important and cherished it is. It can get you places.

2. How did you hear about us?
I was Roleplaying on AzsharaWoW, a server that is now unplayable by me, not because of the Game Masters, but because of how the players treated me. I played it for a while but my ignore list became full and a lot of people didn't like me. For unknown reasons. I'm open to whomever knows me and corrects me, although! I would love to see why other players treated me this way. I was playing my Human, walking in Stormwind in the Park, when I hear idle chatter in the LFG channel. It was about a certain server, which received a good rating. A Gnome Male and a Human Male; which names I remember not.

3. How did you get into RP?
When I was but the age of Ten, my parents introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons; abbreviated DnD, famously. I didn't hardly understand it at first, but my parents were persistent to get another DnD player in their family tree (God, they were crazy about it). It was well old when Everquest 2 came out. I was fascinated about the reviews about it online, and wanted to try it out. But my parents did not want to pay monthly for it. But my doggedness was better then ever, persistent to play the game. Once I elaborated what it was about (This was about when I was 11), they slowly became interested as I was. About a couple of months after researching the game and how it worked, they were as crazy of EQ2, as DnD in the past. They surely got subscriptions for themselves, but still were contemplating about getting a subscription for me. But alas, after a -lot- of thought, they got EQ2 for me, a Christmas gift along with a subscription. I was delighted, so delighted that I almost broke my chair jumping up and down in it. Good lord, the memories give me a nostalgic feeling whenever I think of the past.

4. How did you get into Warcraft?
I think... after the original World of Warcraft became available for trying out, via "Trial". My mother tried it, making a Human Warrior named "Kittia." About when she was 17, I went to do something and I looked at her computer screen, well I asked what she was playing. She replied, saying "World of Warcraft, I think." I looked at the screen again, perplexed. Months after gaping at her computer screen, she, again, bought be a subscription of World of Warcraft, and the game. She had it all set before I returned from school. I first made a Human Warrior, on the realm Sen'jin. I got it to 10.. but I soon lost interest, and made a Night Elf Hunter, named "Matos". Jebus Christmas, I even remember his pet's name. "Katos" to match his masters name. I went exploring on the Realm list, one day as I was bored. I learned... that there was a Roleplay option. I was "Meh' until my friend Dominick dragged me to the RP Realm, "Sentinels". And so I began Roleplaying on it, alas I RPed as a Human Mage, claiming he was a Demon and had black wings ten feet long on each side. I want to slap my past self so hard, now that I look back at my malfunction. I slowly became better, trying out a Paladin. I found the title of "Holy Man" fun to toy around with. I RPed as a Gary Stu, though. I only recently grew from the flaw.. about a month ago. I continued RPing in Sentinels.. until I grew tiresome at the lack of RPers.. I was even yelled at for RPing. But I did make a few friends, until I moved to Moonguard after hearing it was the best RP server in WoW, or a claim that it was. But I was well convinced that the man was right after I see umpteen RPers in the Stormwind gates. I couldn't stop gaping. I RPed there ever since.

5. What is your favorite race/class?
Human has been my dominant race since I started WoW. But I -have- been toying around with Gnomes, Tauren, Dwarves, and maybe Night Elves. I will never again play a Blood Elf. When I started playing a Blood Elf male when BC came out, I like him. But then again I didn't know the definition of "Flamboyant". I almost flipped the computor ten times when I realized Blood Elf Males were not but "Prissy Men" in my eyes. But that was back then, a -little- acceptance has been built inside me but I still will never play one. Maybe in the future! But not now, I just can't see it. My favorite class OOC, would be a Paladin. But the role I play IC isn't a specific class. I love Paladins, simply because you can Heal, Tank, and.. maybe Dps a bit if it's needed. I have a history of Healing in the past, not before BC as I joined too late.. and maybe because I RPed my whole time playing. But I did heal some in Karazhan! I enlisted in a RP/Raiding guild, named something about "The Crimson (Something)" The last phrase escapes me at the moment, when WotLK came out recently, I had instant plans to be Holy when I got to 80, which I am -ohsoclose- from 79 to 80. I've healed a bit in The Nexus, and a bit in Utgarde Keep, but after those early 70 levels, I've been focused on leveling.. but I've been rambling too much, onto the next question.

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?
You know that character that is always at the Bar, talking at the Barmaid, going toward a slap at the face while he attempts to woo her. He's the type that makes people laugh, those people crazy enough to talk to such a weird man. A Human, preferably. He would usually flirt with Women, but he knows his limits, those limits being mostly Horde. He even has a favorite ale. He would have no fighting attributes at all, unless you count the part where he defends himself from the guards after he gets women wanting him dead. Running, rather. He had no money to buy armor or any like that, as he spends it all on liquor.

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?
I have come to prefer the kind where it's a "Random encounter". Kind of like that Final Fantasy World-roaming where it's unsuspected. I rather players don't suspect it OOCly either, as it creates a bit of a twist. But hey, RP is like living in a fantasy book, and you're one of the characters. But who would be the main character, is my question to you, viewers at home!

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?
Why, yes I do. I often collect those Coffee/energy drinks, like the Mocha flavored Monster energy drinks. I usually decide to put them on top of my dresser, in my room. Another thing I absolutely -adore- doing would be collecting guitar picks. Preferably bass picks, the guitar picks that are thick and hard-plastic. Basses need picks that pick the beefy top string. Flexible guitar picks would end up flicking out of your finger as you tried to flick the top string, especially with 5 or 6 string basses, and further string basses. I also love to play and doodle on the Bass Guitar, which happens to be a five-string. I started playing Guitar when I was 13 years old. I owned a Teal-burst Les Paul, signature series. It was my pride and joy, even though I sucked eggs while playing. I started taking interest in the Bass guitar, seeking a more rhythmic tone to playing. My brother had a nice ebony 5-string. It was an Abilene, unknown model. I began playing the instrument, and not long after, my fingers felt like they were going to fall off, they felt so sore. But I learned to deal with it. The Les Paul soon became trashed, and beyond repair. My soul was now deprived in the Abilene. My brother, who is now 21, gave it to me after he moved out. I've been playing it so much, that I've been wanting to make a band.

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)
The current place I'm living in, would be Alexandria, Louisiana, United States of America. Woodworth, one of the places in Alexandria, is a small town, half of the people with a southern drawl. I haven't picked it up yet, but I can feel it creeping up on me. But nevetheless, the people of Louisiana have "Yacht-speak" or so my Mother calls it. My grandparents, I -think- were Cajun, so I have a bit of an accent.

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?
Yes. I will take passion in looking over them, toning my knowledge of them. I could probably read them every day after I get home from School, if I don't get enveloped in the accursed Television. I want you, viewer, to let me know if I've done something wrong, and warn a GM about it. I don't want myself to make trouble in the Server.

I do hope you took interest in my Introduction, my friend. I hope to RP with you, whoever you may be.
[Image: approved.gif]