Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Why good, uhm.. morning *smiles*
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Hello there! *beams* I'm Charlie. Well, everyone calls me that anyway.. or Charlotte the Harlot, but nobody wants no funny foot-to-groin business, right? But I guess Tessia will do :) And ah.. here I am *jumps up and down* Hoping to join your most esteemed server!
Formal stuff:

1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?
Oh yeh! All of that stuff, I won't give you no trouble *grins* And I completely understand it all *smiles*

2. How did you hear about us?
Wells, I only played WoW for a week or so. I'm all very new to this MMORPERGER thing-a-ma-bob, but I have very helpful friends, and they moved to ah, Warhammer Online, so I went to.. but heh, I kinda liked WoW's style *blush* I'm not going to leave my friends in WAR and I can't afford to pay two monthly fee's, so, here I am! *waves*

3. How did you get into RP?
I like to write. I tend to think alot, and thus I get overly creative.. and well, I usually funnel it into writing. Anything that takes my fancy. I doubt I am very good, but it is an escape, and one I like, and RP is another escape. Some of my friends showed me after I rather embarrasingly showed them a story, and said I'd absolutely adore an MMORPG, and so I got dragged, and heh, I did not complain, I absolutely love it. Its very much a completely new and exciting experience to me *giggles* So yeh, I'm naive, but I grasp all the aspects of roleplay I assure you *smiles*

4. How did you get into Warcraft?
As stated above *points up* Friends. Friends tend to drag me everywhere, and it kind of stuck, and the universe is so very large with lots of breathing space and vibrance, its hard not to like!

5. What is your favorite race/class?
*bites fingertip* Uhm.. I don't usually have any sort of favourites in anything, maybe I'm bland, not really, I just enjoy everything. I plan on playing a Blood Elf Hunter, Hunters are very much my style, but Blood Elves.. *so-so expression* But they have such beautiful woods and the animals and their art style of everything is just so wild and deep. So my ideal class, a hunter.. well.. a forester, kind of.. ranger-druid sorta thing.. is going to be a Blood Elf for I cannot find a more fitting environment for her to be odd in. To be honest the most appealing to me would be Kobolds *blush* But only because they remind me of Skaven, but not as cute :/

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?
Odd ^_^ Someone, nobody, anybody, it doesn't matter to me *impish grin* I tend to love everything and I couldn't care if Prince or Pauper, I just like being a character, someone that can make me feel, convincing, vibrant, expressive, utterly mad *smirks* Just someone. I think I could fit myself quite nicely into any character, aslong as it isn't some sort of dull zombie.

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?
The kind that makes me feel, usually completely random RP, I'm not much a fan of events and such, unless ofcourse I've got the most valid reason to be there, otherwise I just feel like a random awkward piece of furniture. I prefer to give life to my character, make her dynamic and just.. let go, instead of being a set-piece on a stage. So random RP is defintely more comfortable with me, I like to think on my toes. *wiggles them* But I can roll with anything, aslong as it makes me feel...

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?
Hobbies? Moving! Alot of moving! I tend to jump alot. I used to do fencing.. now I collect swords and stuff *stab, slash, siren* that sort of thing. Talents? Err.. I'm going to attempt to learn the violin in a month.. apart from that.. I'm pretty bland maybe. Stupid human tricks? Thats more like it! I can bend my fingers backways.. like at a right angle nearly.. yeh. Thats all *pouts*

9. What country are you from?
Tír na nÓg *winks* I speak English okayish, but it tends to be my own form of it. If something is misspelt or.. extended, its usually on purpose. *nodnods* Like.. I tend to say has instead of have, and put an S infront of most things, but I'm trying to be formal here *grins* But it won't come off at all ICly *smiles*

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?
Yessir! *salutes, falls over* You has my full cooperation *nodnods* Promise. :)
*Holds his head due to the streaming river of pain flowing through it.* Well, you'd have my vote for "go ahead and join" but, I really doubt even I shall gain one!

But you hang in there, maybe I'll see you round if we get the go code >=D!
Approved. Welcome to the server, Charlie.