Conquest of the Horde

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Hello people of CoTH!

Firstly, I read over the site and I must say "great job." It is very well maintained, easy to access and glorious to read through for my picky little mind. Love the rules as they are what I live by.

I actually did not hear about CoTH til a friend of mine was telling me about the fact that there were in existence World of Warcraft servers where roleplay did matter and exist in its truest form. I did a search on google and here I am.

I first started doing "role play" very young. I was usually seen in such things as school plays and other such things. I had a few roles in independent films and discovered the glorious ability to step outside of my own life and into the shoes of another life. Taking on a persona, one perhaps not even written into the script. Creating a "background" for every character I might possess.

When joined high school I discovered "geekdom" this is my own word so obviously not spelled correctly. I discovered D&D and later AD&D and all its other forms throughout the years. We had a rather popular squad of role players and created our own version of a LARP in our high school, it would quite often be the "character" you saw rather than us. In turn we were also seen as very abnormal and a bit eccentric.

Later on, with the introduction of the internet I developed a rather large fascination with mIRC, A text relay chat program. I joined many different "channels" developing my writing skills, my verbiage and my imagination for more than I ever thought possible. Many different realms opened up many different character creations.

One of the biggest things I have always believed and tried to stress to those just learning role play is that there is no such thing as "winning or losing" only the story. I know this confuses many so I will digress. Role play is made up of a group of story tellers, sometimes they actually are the story teller or GM or DM or any other wonderful title. However, every character is a story teller behind the scenes. They are writing their characters story, it is not them, they are completely separate from the character, or so we hope. But through their interactions with others they create a story of epic proportions. So, each character needs to have a background, a reason they are what they are. A purpose, their reason for existing, getting out of bed in the morning. Finally, a goal, what they want and work for.

With that in mind, create your characters life and interact with other characters, intermixing and creating a larger and larger story.

I first got into World of Warcraft around '07, I had heard so many people talking about it and although resistant to go forth and see what it was all about I made the move and to my surprise fell in love with the dynamic that is World of Warcraft. The depth, color and contrast. I was unable to find a good role play server and thus I had a group of friends that I role played with in the PvP server "Dunemaul." Time went on and my friends have all stopped playing and for me, I just don't care to continue to spend 15 dollars a month on something that has lost its dynamic fun. I am hoping to develop rich story lines with the role players of CotH.

My favorite race is by far the blood elves, although the most recent to claim their place in World of Warcraft their storyline and history is rich and filled with all the spectrum of what role play is about. That and they are really sexy. I am perhaps a bit vain but I hate being ugly.

I have a couple favorite classes, my absolute favorite is protection paladin, I role played with a religious fervor, that strive to look over and protect those closest to my character, yet striving to put right what has been destroyed in her world. Often times she was seen as uncaring or at some points out right hostile towards those not of her race. She moved through the world and found that even though she may not be able to be friends with many of the other races in the land, she could tolerate them, at least long enough to bring the world back from the brink of destruction.

My second favorite class was that of a mage, those cosmic elemental magics constantly moving through her. Her desire for more power, not just of the elements, but that of the political as well often sent her on precarious missions. She chose her friends well however, for although there were many times when she may have failed, those friends stood at her side and helped her move forward. She was often seen as a caring, note worthy adventurer. Inside however she plotted and schemed of ways to achieve total power.

My favorite character to play would have to be one that is intelligent, self knowing and chaotic. Not given to horrendous evil acts, but quite possibly able to do them. My absolute favorite character ever was my halfling arcane trixter. That was humorous, intelligent and although not in charge, kept most the loot.

I simply could not tell you what my favorite kind of role play is as I love it all. From D&D to VtM to CyberPunk to just about anything else. It is all fun if people can leave the OOC drama and problems behind and just enjoy the story.

I love reading, writing, music, art and so much else. I spend a bit of time in SecondLife creating or writing code. I spend time with friends and then there is work. Work takes up most of my time in life, but I always find time to do the things I love most, and most of those revolve around role play.

I am from the US, currently living on the east coast. I am English speaking and typonesse writing. I do take care when role playing to try and keep it all understandable, yet sometimes I still get the "what was that?" I am generally a fast typer, so it gives me room to make corrections.

I do hereby sign in blood my agreement to hold true to the laws and codes of CotH, and to provide assistance when I can to keep it a great place for all to come and play.

I'm rather impressed with this one.
