Conquest of the Horde

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Hello, I am Kegan Patrick Pierce, I am 16, and I am here for my second time...if you are alright with it.

1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?
I am glad to say yes, I read them. They are important to any person, and I feel that they should be the first order of business when trying to get into or onto a server, especially this one.

2. How did you hear about us?
This is actually my second time here. Hopefully a second chance. My...first try was Kinshou14. When I first found out about you though, I was using that Google search engine that everyone but schools love so much. I was trying to find a good RP private server in the hopes that it might be better on the private side than the live side.

3. How did you get into RP?
I have always been an RPer. I always had a big imagination when I was younger, which (in my opinion) only got bigger as I aged. Past age 10, I began making my own little worlds with their own histories. I have always wanted to create video games centered around the RP side of life. Right now though is when I have gotten the most serious. Recently, I have been on all sorts of Forums, I have begun playing D&D with my friends, in our campaign, story is very important, traps are big, and tactics save us. Also, when I play an MMORPG, I look for the RP there, I see how I can fit into it, and I try.

4. How did you get into Warcraft?
My friends. About 3 years ago, they got WoW and allowed me and my brother characters. We were hooked. I soon got the game my self, then, after some time, I focused on learning the past and lore of the world so I could role play.

5. What is your favorite race/class?
Humans, I find them as my favorite to RP. Their history fits to my Middle Ages style of RP. And Warriors, Mostly because I feel like, when RPed right, they play my favorite type: A survivor. Next in line is Rogue, mostly because I have a distinct enjoyment for playing the laughing sneaky entertainment type, that or the scout or assassin, and sometimes a pirate or outlaw. I really enjoy all sorts of RP characters, and while I generally play humans the most, I have played other races before, dwarves a big one on the list..

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?
Like I said, Survivors. I enjoy characters such as Aragorn from lord of the rings, the guys who do what it takes to survive, but in the end, might do the right thing.

Character back ground is big for me. I spend a lot of time figuring this out, I have high hopes of doing Character storyline driven RP, but I have found few who do so. While I play that a lot, I have played the leader, creating guilds or parties and leading battles, forces, even just a few people. I have always been a natural leader to some extent, and I prefer to try and place a bit of myself in each character. The sly rogue is one I enjoy, as it allows for mystery and skulking around cities has always interested me in a good RP. The Funny carefree rogues have always interested me, just living to live the good life. I have always played the religious reformer once, as I am a religious person, I decided to try it out. While it didn't go well (Account was canceled in the middle of getting signatures for a guild), I did enjoy it some.

Either way, diversity is what drives me, trying something new has always intrigued me.

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?
I love Deep and detailed. Combat is big for me, but as long as the talk is detailed, immense, with great story line and characterization, I love a good talk. I also enjoy character driven, suspense, and while I like romance in books, I certainly don't want to alienate someone in game.

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?
Besides D&D and general video game obsession, I enjoy trying out free MMOs, preferably MMORPGs. I also don't have much time for any serious hobbies as my parent's divorce and school take up most of my time and energy. However, I always try to hang out with friends when I can, as I enjoy being social. A big thing about MMOs for me is that, while I'm just sitting in front of the computer, I can still be very social.

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.) Born and raised in TX. USA. My first language is English, the kind with ya'll and ain't. I live a little more specifically in the Houston area. And yes, I have never been a good speller. I try to use the computer spell check but I will miss a few things.

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?
Indeed I do. Like I said, I believe they are important to any community, this one included.
[Image: Rensinapp.jpg]