Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Leethoof being introduced
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1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?
Yes, I did read through them all.

2. How did you hear about us?
Yay for google! Searched "world of warcraft RP private server", went down past the topsite lists and found you.

3. How did you get into RP?
Well, I started doing Star Wars fights with my plastic lightsabers. Then, I added storylines and characters, and it became a whole lot more fun. Occasionally, my friends would come over and we have several-hour-long fantasy roleplaying sessions outside. Once I got into WoW, I tried out this thing called an "RP server", and got myself into a heavy roleplaying guild and had a blast!

4. How did you get into Warcraft?
One of my friends started playing this game called (Oh so wonderful) "World of Warcraft". He sent me the invite a friend thing, and I started playing. Shortly after, he quit, and gave me his account. I payed for a little while and then I found Private Servers.

5. What is your favorite race/class?
My favorite is probably either Trolls or Tauren, because I like they're catchy tribal feeling, and their backstories too (especially trolls). My favorite class is probably druid, because I like to shapeshift, and (GASP) I like to level with them. Also, they have that tribal feeling.

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?
My favorite kind of character would probably be one who's faction is only their second duty. They are either mysterious or very open about having a greater duty than to the Horde (or Alliance).

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?
I like to do adventures, taking long walks from one place to another and roleplaying the whole way. Suprisingly enough, I like sitting in Goldshire and roleplaying with a bunch of random players, although the experience would be much more enriching without 30 nude night elves dancing on the tables.

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?
My main hobby is probably Warhammer models. I buy them, I build them, I try to avoid painting them (soooo boring), and I play strategy games with them, I win with them. YAY! I also am a serious Lego builder, spending hours creating (what I think) are beautiful sets.

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)

I live in Colorado, USA. I'm in the mountain time zone (duh), and speak English. I can say about three colors in Spanish, though, thanks to about four idiotic spanish teachers who taught me the same thing each year.

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?
Yes, I vow to follows these rules and policies.
Welcome! I hope you enjoy yourself on our server.