Conquest of the Horde

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I have seen LFG being used for alot of things, Mostly things it is suppost to be used for, but we all tell those who use it for other means about the Chat FAQs, right? Exactly. So I had an idea. If people just used General/Trade/LocalDefense/GuildRecruitment for it? That way.. nobody else has to hear about it besides the people that are within listening range.
Having a global OOC channel helps people figure out where the QQ is at, so the GMs can go in and lurk around to find out the problems (Or problem players, for that matter). It also helps individuals get world-wide announcing powers about a certain event or request. This is essentially the reason we have global channels, and separating them simply allows for people to pick and choose which they need/want to hear.
Kaghuros Wrote:Having a global OOC channel helps people figure out where the QQ is at, so the GMs can go in and lurk around to find out the problems (Or problem players, for that matter). It also helps individuals get world-wide announcing powers about a certain event or request. This is essentially the reason we have global channels, and separating them simply allows for people to pick and choose which they need/want to hear.

Of course, I am not disputing that. But only people in the immediate area need to hear about spelling corrections and things like that. So it wouldn't be adding or deleting any channel's. Just how they are used.
I really think this would just overcomplicate things. I know I'd hate to have it ingrained into my head to make corrections in one channel, then suddenly be asked to change to another. Beyond that, we know it won't be used strictly for spelling corrections. People will, as Kag put it, QQ, in whatever channel they happen to be using, and we'd like to not have it spread around all over.