Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: /me kicks in the door again!
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I can already hear the cries of "Oh no, she's back!" I really can.
Anywho, everyone's favorite drunken guard roleplayer has finally rolled back to her roots for another part-time go around at the server. Truth be told, I can't be around all the time like I used to, but I figured I'd at least allow the option to show up occasionally, wave to all the pretty people, and make acceptance speeches I wrote on the back of a cocktail napkin at happy hour.

1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?
Hey, where can I find the realml-...
Yes, I've read and re-read the policies/rules/FAQs, just to make sure you sneaky people didn't go and alter them too much while I was away.

2. How did you hear about us?
Criminy, I can't even begin to remember how I got here. I think it was Google's fault, and I was trying to find something completely unrelated to an RP server. Somehow, I ended up here and didn't much look back.

3. How did you get into RP?
I believe my first bout of roleplay was back on a forum which shall not be named. It was a lot of hodgepodge threads with different storylines and settings, so I hopped about trying this and that to my little ten-year-old heart's content. After that, some friends and I hooked up on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger, for those of you that hate snappy typing shortcuts) and proceeded to kill brain cells with more storytelling.

4. How did you get into Warcraft?
I'll admit it, I played Warcraft II back when I was just a wee little lass. After that, I was suckered into a free trial for World of Warcraft by a friend of mine that /assured/ me it was the best game he had ever played. Of course, he was twice the nerd I am right now, but at least the guy dropped a good source of entertainment in my lap. After a while of slogging through normal servers, I joined up on Earthen Ring about the time it was first introduced, but didn't stay around too long. After that, I moved onto far too many private servers.

5. What is your favorite race/class?
Draenei are easily my favorite race, if not for a shallow reason: Accent. I absolutely adore typing a painfully thick Russian/Germanic accent and making people squint at their screen for three minutes while they try to figure out what I said. Beyond that, they don't have too much coherent lore, so they're given a wee bit more wiggle room than other races.
When it comes to class, I'd have to say I most often go with priest and paladins. I have a knack for roleplaying a healer sort of character.

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?
Well, back in my starting days, I had a bit of a thing for playing loud, drunken characters. That eventually graduated to morally upstanding people, for the most part. At the moment, though, I've taken up playing a small army's worth of character types, but I'm starting to enjoy the socially awkward and slightly timid sorts. It's a good change from my endless bar fight instigations.

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?
The detailed sorts. Sure, that's a little vague, but it can boil down to a lot of things. Most people skip over little daily details, like actually rolling out of bed, wandering down to the river with bleary eyes to wash away the ale from your shirt, and then actually setting out on a trip to get somewhere. That said, adventuring also tickles my fancy, such as exporing ruins supposedly never seen by mortal eyes for decades and the like.

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?
I can bark and roll over, if offered cash. /rimshot
When I'm not staring at a computer screen, which isn't too often, I find myself either strumming away at a guitar or attempting to draw. I'm a bit of a socialite on occasion, wasting away my time prancing about the real world with people I pretend to know so I can bum change from them.

9. What country are you from?
United States of America.

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?
Yes, I promise not to unleash the Monty Python evil rabbit upon the rule set.
[Image: giraffe3.png]

Thanks to Mikain for the picture.