Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Glad to be here!
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1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?
Absolutely. I have thoroughly read through them. I wished there was a better lore section though. :(

2. How did you hear about us?
My friend reccomended this great server for World of Warcraft roleplay, and I checked it out. I can't wait to roleplay with you guys. I love the layout and community of this site!

3. How did you get into RP?
I've been writing little short stories since I was little, and I'm great with writing. I like to go along with other people's ideas, and when I found out about Wacraft rp, I liked it a lot.

4. How did you get into Warcraft?
World of Warcraft, I liked the MMORPG theme. I did fairly well, but got bored of grinding. I had a 70 Burning Crusade, but didn't bother with Wrath of the Lich King. Haven't had enough time.

5. What is your favorite race/class?
I like undead, as they have most interesting lore to me. I don't really have a favorite class, but I like hunters, warlocks and shamans.

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?
For a character personality, I like a lore immersed character, up to date, but that has internal conflict. One that personally has a fixed side(for the most part).

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?
I love roleplay with a stable, well built, and rapidly advancing lore. Basically any theme.

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?
Defintely. Writing, reading, and soccer. I love those as my primary activities. I'm actually making a book right now! I would send you guys the link but that might count as advertising.

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)

Rockin' in the USA!!!!!!!! My first launguage was English. No worries.

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?

Yes. I'm pretty cautious and polite with rules. I never break them.
Your first language was English? What is it now then?

Anywho, welcome to CotH.
My first launguage was, and still is, engles.
Thanks a bunch for approving me!