Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Mount Vendors Later On
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You have probably thought of this already, but when you start making custom content again I think it would be good to bring back the drudaen farm mount vendors. Wotlk will have a lot of new mounts that with bugged content and the achievement system, might be otherwise impossible or hard to get on our server. And even if you won't have time to set up the whole Drudaen farms, a few special mount vendors in Shatterspear would be very useful for everyone once you start making that sort of thing.
Rest assured, I do intend to bring the mount vendors back!

We never had a vendor for flying mounts, however, so perhaps we can add one at the farm as well, or perhaps somewhere else.
Oh thank goodness! I didn't see it on your to-do list so I thought you had forgotten.