Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: "Where's my profile?"
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I've seen this question come up quite a fair few times lately, so I would like to suggest...

A Sticky in the Character Profiles section saying something along the lines of "READ BEFORE POSTING" and have some info like:

1) Your profile will NEVER be deleted. Before making a whole new topic or reposting your profile, check on the Wiki, and in initial approval. If it ISN'T there, then it's in a GM authorized category, where they keep the profiles that are pending to be on the Wiki.

And maybe some other stuff about profiles too. Just a suggestion, but it's just to save GMs/players time telling people about where their profiles are. ^_^

(Although they should have read the profile FAQs in the first place really, but anywho...)
We could also give it a blatant title, like, "Profile Deleted?".

Of course, it'd say for the first sentance in bright colors that we do NOT delete profiles.
This is true.
Let me throw in my two cents.

When I first created a profile, I was as eager as anyone. Which is pretty darn eager! From day to day, I kept checking up on it to see if I needed to edit the profile for anything they'd point out. Unfortunatly, yes, like some, I had a tempt to ask a GM to look over it; though unlike many, I didn't succumb to it. After a small amount of time, it was gone. Not even in the initial approval! Oh no! Even if I reminded myself around the rules, I still worried constantly. What if they took it out, because there was some kind of vulgar content that broke a rule? What if I posted it in the wrong spot, or did something so rediculously stupid that they just took it off? (Which, in both of those situations, they wouldn't even delete the profile, mind you) Well, again, I was tempted to write a GM, thinking it might be valid seeing how I didn't catch it in initial approval (Which is untrue, or rather it's invalid). But I didn't, because I knew it wasn't smart to do that, and everyone WAS doing that. And before you know it, well, it got put on the wiki. I didn't get in trouble, and I was worrying for no reason. Why? Because I held my tongue, like the RULES tell you to!
I just encountered this myself. My character profile for Kathorg Gorehallow is gone. I have no idea of its whereabouts but that it was once in the normal area to wait for approval. It is actually no longer even under my posts.

I checked all posts I have made and none are visable on this character profile. I was wondering whathappened.
Dude, read the post here, and you will understand. Hawk wasn't saying his profile was missing.
I feel so stupid right now. Idid as Hawk said and I found it. I am such a dope. It is on the wiki, I was just confused and spoke before I thought.