Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: An introduction of...Me!
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1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?
Oh god yes. I read them before I even made a forum account, and they all seemed good and fair so I decided to wander around the site more. Yay for good and fair rules!

2. How did you hear about us?
Well my good buddy Hawk decided to pop onto msn, and message me and we got to talking and I asked where he had been. He said on CotH and so my interest was piqued. I politely demanded a link for the site and got more interested as I read through more.

3. How did you get into RP?
Oh lawd. It was such a long long time ago. Around the time after my parents split, my mother got me into playing Diablo 2 (Yes. My mother). I had about a level 70 sorceress when I got bored of leveling and decided to float around the chat channels of And then I stumbled into Town Square. I sat in wonder and read the interesting profiles and stories of others and eventually got into it myself, being the young imaginative whippersnapper I was (am :D). I rp'd for a few –years- in that place before it started to just go to hell, sadly. Then I met someone and I've been rping alone with him for a while until he got me interested in rp servers on WoW just recently, so it's a little bit of a challenge to get back into the swing of things and ohgodi'mrambling, sorry.

4. How did you get into Warcraft?
The same person I've been rping with for a few years? Yeah, I bought World of Warcraft so I could play with him, and from there I just kept getting more and more into it. I eventually got bored of playing on the private server (I have never played Retail) he started me on, and moved around to others, getting into pvp servers mostly. And then I sort of wandered away from it for a while and came back only recently with the release of WotLK.
5. What is your favorite race/class?
My favorite race evar?! Trolls. I adore trolls. Trolls trolls trolls! :D I love everything about them, from their accent, to their crazy hair, to their lanky build and the overall laid back sort of view I have of them. They're just so…fun! As is playing with their accents. I would have to say that troll lore is also the lore I know most about, other than that it's slim pickins x_x I can always look up what I don't know though.
And as for my favorite class? Well. It's really based on pvp experience, but I would have to say a priest. Also when you think about it priests are rather diverse. You can be an evil shadow priest (LOLVOODOO), a snarky powerful Discipline priest, or the ever so holy…Holy priest. And come to think of it, I can't really imagine of a lot of other –classes- that would allow as much character diversity. I mean you're a rogue, you're probably dark and mysterious, or perhaps fun loving and hot headed. You're a warrior, you're probably strong willed and stubborn, etc etc. Priests have just always been a guilty pleasure of mine I suppose.

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?
Honestly I like to play all sorts of characters. I generally stick to the neutral good flirty type though. Fun loving and crazy and what not. I very rarely pull off an evil character, and even then they're off their rocker in such a way that I can still have all sorts of goofy fun with them.

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?
RP in general. I must say I would have trouble deciding. I like mingling, and I like joining a group to go gallivanting around Azeroth, or outland. I don't mind having just a little fun rp that doesn't last very long, but the long ones are often fun. I must say this now though: Rarely am I good at advancing a plot, or I should say I don't really –prefer- it. I'm more of a follower when it comes to rping and I sort of have a very Daoist view when it comes to rp: just go with the flow.

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?
I can bend my knees back! Oh and I have a few hobbies. I like to draw when the mood strikes me. I'm not some AMAZINGAWESOMEARTIST but I don't think I really suck. I suppose it's a matter of opinion though. Also I like to write occasionally, and often have random odd plots soaring through my mind. Another random hobby I have would be Singing. I adore singing, in a chorus at least. I start to have panic attacks when I'm singled out, despite being told I have a decent voice.

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)
I am from the eastern coast of the United States of America. Pennsylvania to be exact. Come stalk me, go ahead, it would bring some excitement to my life :D This means I know English. It is my first language, so if I type something completely stupid that does not make sense, please slap me and point it out to me so I can fix it. I plan on having one of my majors in English when I go to college, so being inept when it comes to the language is a bit ridiculous for me.

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?
I completeleh agree, mon. Seriously. I see nothing wrong with any of the rules and they all seem fair and like decent rules for an rp server. None of them are outrageous or unreasonable, so I don't see any reason not to agree with them. <3
Hurray! Welcome aboard :D
I would...I would like to thank mom and and my family, and ALL THE LITTLE PEOPLE! THEY LIKE ME...THEY REALLY LIKE ME! -over dramatic tears-