Conquest of the Horde

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SunsetAmethysts Introduction

1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?

Indeed i did, there was quite alot of information there for my poor little head to process but i can say with outmost certainty that i fully agree with everything i can remember at this very moment!

2. How did you hear about us?

To be honest, i heard about this server on another Wow RP server´s forum and decided to check it out on google. That is my story how i found this place and its looking quite promising indeed.

3. How did you get into RP?

Ooooh, good question.. How far should i date this? Well im 26 now and i started roleplaying the old fashioned way through Pen & Paper games when i was ten years old or so. So quite a long time, but i abandoned the pen and paper ones for Never winter nights when that was released. I never did play the single player campains on it and instead focused upon the online play wich in my opinion was absolutely awesome in the terms of roleplay, if you found the right server that is and not one of those powergaming ones.

So to answer your question with but a few words, i got into roleplay the old fashioned way, AD&D anyone?

4. How did you get into Warcraft?

How does anyone get into Warcraft? I mean its the worlds most popular MMO, surely there isint a soul out there that has not made a Blood Elf! ~Coughs~ Alright you might want a more in depth explanation than that. I got into Warcraft by playing the first, second and third game as they where released, mind you i was not very fond of the third installment but thats not to say its bad, im just old-schooler when it comes to Warcraft and i can still remember sitting on a very iffy network in my basement with four other computers playing Warcraft 1 against my friends the whole summer ~Smirks~ Yes yes, unhealthy i know!

In short, i got into Warcraft by simply being a gamer and loving it.

5. What is your favorite race/class?

A very hard question, i tend to not favour any class nor race due to the fact that its the "character" that makes the roleplay and not the class or race. I play wichever fits my character the best and most certainly my first character will be a priest, so if you truly need an answer to this i would say; Human ~ Priest.

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?

I honestly like to play characters that make others smile and enjoy the roleplay, this isint to say my characters arent serious, they can be very very serious but they usually have a little quirk about them that makes the said characters feel more alive and more fun to be around, you could say that i like to play character that enhances others roleplay and the roleplay in general.

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?

I like all types of roleplay but i tend to avoid direct conflicts depending on wich character im on. Social, Hunting/Adventure and deep storydriven roleplays are often sought after by my person, but as i said, i enjoy almost everything if its well thought up and roleplayed. :)

And with direct conflict i mean fighting against other players in a pvp like state, thats not to say that the roleplay could "not" lean that way, im just saying i dislike conflict without a valid reason to back it up or the "Kill on sight" mentality. Now surely there is a war so its understandable and quite well understood that there will be conflict but.. i mean needless ones ~Quirks a brow and shakes my head~ Im just going to shush now and end this little rant and hopefully you will have gotten a fairly good understanding of what i was trying to say.

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?

~Slips my hand to the side of your ear and produces a gold piece~ Eh.. magic tricks?

Anyway, im a Video editor/Producer at a local tv-station, a small station mind you. Other than that im a gamer at heart as is my family, my mother, father and my sister all play world of warcraft, so you can say that im born with the gamer gene. Also im quite fond of poetry, Traveling, Roleplaying, Video editing, Anime/Manga and most likely a bunch more, but this at least gives you an idea of what i do enjoy.

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)

Im from the murky waters of Sweden, the true winter wonderland.. Though im getting rather tired of all this snow. My English is not perfect and i have a slight dyslexia wich i have been working on for years now, but suffice to say that my English is far better than my Swedish for some strange reason. On another note, i do understand English fluently so no need to worry unless you throw a dictionary in my face and start to use those unruly words that trancends life itself.. Eh.. Ahem.. I mean, i may stumble on certain words should i not have heard them before, though online dictionaries are awesome! ~Nod nod~

However i am quite used to online Roleplay, so i am sure you will find that i wont have a problem at all with advanced English.

Oh and GMT +1 is the timezone should you not know this alredy.

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?

Absolutely.. wait.. what was it again? ~Scrolls back and re-reads~ Oh yes, i fully agree with everything that has been said.. er.. written!
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