Conquest of the Horde

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I'm a wonderful guy, naturally, but since you need the specifics…

1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?

Sure did. I couldn't recite them all, and will probably end up asking questions anyway. But did I read them? Yes.

2. How did you hear about us?

I actually have a reference. Little miss AmyraTess and I have been into RP for quite some time, via role-playing chats and the like. I'm actually one of the ones who got her into WoW in the first place…more to the point, she recommended the site earlier this week and some over-the-shoulder investigating made it seem like a great idea to join.

3. How did you get into RP?

I couldn't tell you when it started. I can tell you my first characters, but honestly I just don't remember when I decided ‘Oh, I want to make up stories with people online.' I was young though, and happen to be one of the few favorable results of the old AOL chat room the Red Dragon Inn. It always seemed like good fun to me, and I've always liked fantasy books and such.
I suppose I got into it when I realized I could create characters of my own---that there wasn't some mysterious pre requisite for having an imagination others would like to share. When I was younger there were full-scale ‘epic' (for a six year old) wars going on between my toys, which often lasted for months and the apocalyptic battle always ended up being when I had to clean my room.
Grown up since then, but the desire to weave tales hasn't abated in the least.

4. How did you get into Warcraft?

Aside from having my head in the clouds, I like to pretend to blow things up. Slay things. Starcraft (the space-faring sister of Warcraft) caught my attention, and then I found Warcraft when the third iteration came out. Mixing the troop battles with fantasy was great, and then when WoW came out I could be one of the individual semi-important people and be involved that way. It was noticeably appealing, so I've stuck with it.

5. What is your favorite race/class?

Class I would have to say is a warrior. They can be multi faceted, and specialize more so in taking a beating than delivering the hurt. It reflects my personality, as the chosen classes of many do. Race wise… for Alliance, I prefer Dwarves or Humans. Gnomes are too small and goofy looking, Night Elves are too…elven…and Draenei are a tad too blue. Superficial reasons? You bet. Horde I LOVE Taurens. They're big, and can be loud, but are surprisingly the most peacefully inclined around. Very much like myself.

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?

The soldier. A career soldier, a mercenary, a guard… someone who's purpose tends to be militant. It doesn't precisely make me the most grand character ever, but there are usually more than enough incredibly epic people around to make up for this. In this category I usually work one of two angles---the loudmouthed, boisterous berserker-esque type of guy… or the surprisingly philosophical, morally upstanding one who's calm only seems to make them harder to kill. Unless they run into an uber-epic who just blows them up.

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?

I don't suppose I have one. I like most styles of rp---but I CAN tell you my least favorites. Those without any sort of underlying goal or point (I'm not against passing interaction, that's those are great. But a more established line of role-play needs to be going somewhere, or else sticking to passing interaction is just the way to go.). Role-plays dominated by those who want nothing more than to prove how awesome their character is (we KNOW this…) and by extension role-plays where the player's ego-trip somehow leaves you and your current creation feeling tiny and insignificant.
So… hah, essentially any role-play that avoids the arrogant sort (of PLAYER, characters can be cocky and yes it's easy to tell the difference between OOC and IC attitudes) is right up my alley.

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?

Well, I'm a big guy. So eating is definitely something I excel at. I'm a communications major in college, so I write stuff now and again that I like to think is worth reading. Fledgling interest in physics and general philosophy (and the merger between the two? You betcha) and... Halo. I like Halo.

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)

I'm from the US of A, eastern seaboard. I speak good American. (Hah… bad jokes are my second language. I speak English WELL.)

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?

(Amy says ‘yep' isn't good enough…)
I sure will.
[Image: approved.gif]