Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: What is your favorite playable race?
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I know we already ask this in the introductions, but I thought it'd be interesting to do a quick poll to get updated numbers (as well as change the 'featured' poll).
Has to be the Orcs, they are great :P
Lok'tar Ogar! (Victory or Death). Though in the case of death I would like to skip my turn. Orcs!
Tauren, all the way. Reasons? I find the way they look very pleasing. They are huge, and the model makes the armor very easy to see.

Not only that, but noone really plays Tauren. And it was always fun on live to be the token Tauren in a sea of Bloodelves.
I have no particular favorite.
But if I had to pick a favorite... It's not even up there.
(I'm talking about gnolls, of course.)
Troll by far. They're pretty awesome.

Vote for moar trollz!
I don't have a favorite. I like Murlocs because of that mini-game thing I found. I normally like Dwarves in most Fantasy settings though. Not WoW. I like Warhammers Orks above all!
Warhammer Orks > every single incarnation of orcs ever conceived. Love them in the 40k setting 'cause they're just too awesome to comprehend. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH!!!!!

As far as Warcraft goes, I'd have to throw down for the gnomes. Short, spunky, kinda on the crazy side, totally obsessed with technology. Yeah that's good stuff.
Updated the poll to be more specific. Notably, 'playable' races instead of just races. Hehe.
Humans all of teh way. Just look at 'em! They are like easily mailable clay! They can be honor-less meatbags, noble meatbags or even some kind of fighting meatbags! And as an added benefit, they are friends with Dwarfs! Who can ask for more?
Orcs, mang. They have a rich background with a history of heroes and legendary victories and defeats. Orcs are lesser-played but have the most background available to them, more even than Humans. Once you get past the stereotypical Orc, you can find a different depth that most people don't try to make.
[Image: WoWScrnShot_121508_102636.jpg]

These guys.
I have dropped a vote for dwarves, being a race so grand that even Warcraft couldn't ruin their feel, mindset and history completely. Of course, they're nothing next to Warhammer Dwarves!
What, no love for the Draenei?
Kaghuros Wrote:Orcs, mang. They have a rich background with a history of heroes and legendary victories and defeats. Orcs are lesser-played but have the most background available to them, more even than Humans. Once you get past the stereotypical Orc, you can find a different depth that most people don't try to make.

Uh, what he said..
Even though I don't usually play Orcs I still think they have the best background and etc.
I still like playing Humans more but when it comes to the background then it's Orcs all the way.
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