Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Doldreg's introduction
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1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?
Yes, simple rules, easy to learn.

2. How did you hear about us?
I googled "best RP private server", got tired of just small RP guilds in other servers I wanted to join a big RP community

3. How did you get into RP?
While I was leveling with my human paladin I came across a group of RPers in the cathedral of Stormwind, the way they talked called my attention so I asked them what they were doing , and eventually I joined their group.

4. How did you get into Warcraft?
One of my friends used to play Warcraft 3, so he get me into it. And when I finished the game I wanted more of it, and I've had heard about World of Warcraft in tv commercials so I decided to give it a try.

5. What is your favorite race/class?
Ok, this is a hard one,umm...
In the Horde side will be a wise and nature protector tauren shaman and in the Alliance side will be a sturdy and determined dwarf hunter.

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?
The guy that frecuently goes to taverns in any city looking for a quest or a job from someone. Basically just looking for other players to join their group.

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?
Going deep into the lore of Warcraft, but always keeping some humor. Not making thinks too serious, just having some good times.
And trying to keep RP fresh, new everytime, not beign repetitive.

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?
Playing Xbox 360, and playing poker once in a while with some friends. My human trick will be that I can touch my nose twith my tongue.*Touches his nose with his tongue*

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)
Southern United States

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?
Yes I do, you won`t have any problem with me.
Heh, if numbers are important to you I afraid that you will be disappointed, but welcome anyway!
Thanks a lot for the spproval, I'll try my best. :D