Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Ishnu-dal-dieb. I am known as Laoch!
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1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?
Yes indeed! A few times in fact. Then I breathed a sigh of relief, content in the knowledge that the entire world of Warcraft(excuse the bad pun) is not, in fact, comprised entirely of twelve-year-old boys speaking l337 *shudder*

2. How did you hear about us?
A servant of Ysera, cunningly disguised as a Topsite list whispered it to me in my sleep. Well it was two in the morning so I was half asleep... Seriously though, I was browsing through some topsites to find a decent free server, me being a penniless student and unable to afford retail any more (Not that I'd want to if I could. Soooo over their endless quest for more end-game content). Anywho, I did a browser-search of PvE and RP to see how many servers were *not* "the ultimate hardcore PvP experience" and came up with two. This site and an Italian PvE server. I don't speak Italian but I do enjoy RP.

3. How did you get into RP?
I haven't exactly got a lot of experience in RP. The closest I could get was spending hours thinking up back stories for my Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights characters. I always enjoyed playing a variety of classes in as many different RPG's I could find, and I always found it irritating when the game treated me the same regardless of whether I was a weak bodied spell slinger or a walking wall of mithril. I *was* delighted to discover RP servers on WoW, however despite my ignoble begging all my WoW-playing friends preferred PvP servers. "Without all that girly pretending crap" as they so eloquently put it. Pen-and-paper RP is a closed book to me, if you'll forgive yet another pun, and I've never stayed in one place long enough to befriend any local pap-rp'rs.

4. How did you get into Warcraft?
I was introduced to Warcraft way back with a demo of "Warcraft: Orcs and Humans" on a gamers magazine disk. And I loved it. So I got the full game and spent weeks playing it. Then I got WC2 when *it* came out, even bringing it to school to load on the computers there so I could show my classmates. The expansion, the sequel (wc3), the expansion to *that*... Yeah I've liked Warcraft for a fair while now.

5. What is your favourite race/class?
Elf. High, Night, Blood, whatever. I've always been enamoured of elves in every shape and form. Usually as an ancient spell-slinger, so comfortable in his/her art that spells come as easily as breathing. However when I saw the opening cinematic for vanilla-WoW... I fell in love with the Druid. It also suits my personality as I've always enjoyed trying out every class and combination, with a Druid I can have many classes rolled into one. Its also good at escaping, and as I seem to have developed a strange aversion to PvP, being able to escape gankers was always nice.

6. What is your favourite kind of character to play?
Hmm, I touched on this in the previous question. I like playing classes that can do a lot. Not awesome at everything, but capable. For example "Oh I cant figure out how to open this box because I'm not a Rogue". Spoken by a guy with an axe as big as he is...
I don't particularly enjoy specialists as I get bored of doing the same thing all the time. "Oh I'm a priest, I must heal and avoid Shadowform at all costs", "Hmm, warrior huh? I must be a tank. Fury? Nah, I'm a tank!" *Yawn*
Oh. I just remembered. I also tend to enjoy the stealthy assassin type characters. Sneaking in under peoples noses, stealing said noses so quickly they don't realise their gone till they try to smell something, silently killing them before they try to perform said smelling. *evil grin*

7. What is your favourite kind of RP?
The light-hearted adventure kind. With slapstick and wisecracks. Think accident-prone swashbuckler and his band of lovable yet incompetent friends. I don't really enjoy all the heavy drama some people get up to. When it all comes down to it, its just a game. If your not having fun then its not worth playing. And having big dramas with people is one of the easiest ways to stop having fun. At least for me it is. I know some people thrive on the conflicts.

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?
Gaming! Also: Basketball, Modelling (miniatures, not the photo kind), reading, writing, playing guitar, and I've started getting into drawing. Stupid human tricks huh? I can lick my elbow. Its supposed to be impossible...

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)
I'm from Melbourne, in Australia. At least I'm there at the moment. English is main language, followed by Bad English and Geek. No that's no typo, as a uni computer science student your required to learn Geek to pass your exams.

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?
But of course I remember! Ah those were the days. Our whole introduction lay before us, full of possibilities and wonder. And now it looks like my dog decided it was edible... Oh right the rules, Yes I do agree. With enthusiasm. Common sense and anti-l337 protocols means I'm one happy RP'r.
Welcome to the server!