Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A small issue.
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I'm not sure if many are having the same issue I am, but I figured I'd post a suggestion anyway. It seems almost completely impossible to do anything that garners much gold or equipment between the awkward levels of 20-40. Usually it seems people are stuck with the low twenties gear, and can't do anything to get higher gear because due to the lower level gear they can't kill anything that drops higher level gear.

...something like that.

In any case, compounding the issue is the fact that instance damage seems to be bugged. Level 22 Defias Prisoners take about a quarter to half my health in one swing. And I'm level 31 on Jinny. Add to that aggros through walls, and just trying to get enough money to learn skills becomes a messy and aggrivating experience.

A few newer faces on the server decided to troll about the issues, which was obviously the wrong choice. However, it does not make them any less a problem, even if a common result seems to be e-trantrums.

I'm not sure how it could be solved---a common argument is the gear and money and such isn't important to RP... my 'devil's advocate' to that is that since it is not, then if it is possible to cool down the difficulty of instances then it should probably be done. After all, why make something exceedingly difficult if it doesn't matter all that much?

It shouldn't, after all. Most of us just want money for a mount, and to actually learn skills without going broke. The accelerated leveling means one has less time to build money toward their newest item/skill---which usually translates, unless one does not move to a better area once their level has outstretched the possibilities there, to never having quite enough to get what you actually need and/or want.

In closing, I don't think it's a huge problem. I dont' even really think it's a problem---one can always beg a level 80 to help them through something. I don't really like having to ask the leveled people for a hand all of the time, though, and I can't imagine they enjoy a swath of requests whenever they're around. Just thought I'd make a little squeek about it... if something can easily be done, that's great. I imagine it cannot, though, so that's fine too.

Thanks for otherwise attentiveness and a great all around server ^.^

We'd love to do this, but what that'd require is a hefty ammount of stability server wise for the changes to stick. Sadly, the server rolls over frequently, since the database is constantly updating, and it erases what content we put in.

So, we know there is an issue with gear, leveling, and just about anything that cannot be handled with custom content, and for now all we ask is that people be patient. We have solutions to these problems, it will just take time for it to become effective.

For now, all I can suggest is stick to vivid description, rather than concentrating how they look in game.
If you need anything warrior-like, don't hesitate to tell me ingame or in a PM. I'm working on some Blacksmithing and I'll probably be able to help out (Nearly 250 at the moment).