Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: My Introduction.
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1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?

Yes, I read the rules thoroughly twice.

2. How did you hear about us?

It saddens me to say that I found you through a google search after the server my friend has been hosting went down and I'm missing RP.

3. How did you get into RP?

I've RPed officialy since the DobRP maps were released on Warcraft III. At first it seemed just fun to mess around but later I realized how serious RP could be and how much fun it really is.

4. How did you get into Warcraft?

When I was young, like really young I often stayed up late with my father watching him play Warcraft II, oh the memories. I've been into Warcraft since my discovery of the and all it's different games. Warcraft III is a great game even though the graphics are a bit of the pain when imagination can't do all the parts of an RP. What amazes me thge most with Warcraft WAS its lore, ever since WoW was released the lore has been corrupted by people eager to release patches just for the sake of playing, not for the sake of lore itself.

5. What is your favorite race/class?

What I like to play differs from RP to RP but my favorite has got to be the Night elf rogue.
The night elf rogue is my main class in the real World of Warcraft and it has followed me through years of playing, the character I can always return to if I'm bored. I like Night elves because their story is just purely amazing.

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?

I like playing the "soldier ant" following orders til' death or treachery. I like the feeling of trying to accomplish my assignment by any means neccesary even if it means my death. My favourite personality to play is the either villian or hero who keeps the mood up in all situations.

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?

My favorite kind of RP includes a calm walk along a road with friends and the sometimes "oh so miserable" event that adds some action in the calm.

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?

My hobby is writing stories in my mind and even at some odd occasion write them down for the purpose of my friends games lore.

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)

I come from Sweden but my English has always been atleast moderate from my point of view. The only trouble I have with English are these rules that just hasn't welded themselves into my mind yet.

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?

I, Gaslover hereby agree and sign to the current TOLA (Terms Of License Agreement) and also without hesitatio would accept the EULA (End User License Agreement)

Please forgive me if there are any misplaced "G"'s in the introduction as G button on the keyboard is super sensitive. I may also have misspelled words with either double SS's or CC's like Resurecction.
[Image: giraffe3.png]