Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Say Your Name!
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I was recently reminded that not everyone reads things the same way, especially names.

So! I have started this thread for people to show how to say their names. I will start with mine as an example :D

Yinafae: Yee-nuh-fay OR Yih-nuh-fay Even a sort of middle ground works, though the first pronunciation is best.

Gwenadrael: Gwen-uh-dray-el OR Gwen-uh-drail Preference is somewhere in the middle of the two, with less emphasis on the ending 'el'.

Jaidean: Jay-dee-en

Telsandra (Not approved for being made yet): Tel-sahn-druh

Highlights and italics are not required but -do- make things easier to tell apart from the junk words around the pronunciations :D
Kal-Doon (Kalduun)
Mo-Kah-Koo (Mokaku)
Nah-Var-Rez (Navares)
Drak-neer (Draknir)
Ror-bin (Rorbin)
Day-yo (Dehyo)
Steev (Steve)
Chek-all-karn (Tzekel-Kan)

Gorlak - Gore Luck
Shoo-moo-kabloyee-jaa-jaa-laa-moo (Rensin)
Nah-ree-GEE-kuh (Narijika)
Tah-shah (Taaja)
Toh-koh (Toko)
Ee-shee (Ishi)
Wall-Us (Walluce)
THar-E-uh (Tharia)
Bath-all-a-mew (Bartholomew)
Air-N (Aaron)
Seh-Hey (Sehae)
Resk-Ah (Reska)
Ay-An-E (Aiani)
Krehh toll (Kretol) ((Not Kree-toll))
I won't bother with character names, seeing as people seem to catch those pretty quickly. People still pronounce my forum name incorrectly, though.

Kee-ah-lee. (NOT KAI-LEE.)
Gennosuke, [Geh-No-Skae]
Nagaku [Na-gaku]
H3avenzrezurect [Heaven's resurrect]

Yoo-Law-Ree (Uulari)
Veer (Vyr), or Veer-sawl-ee-uh (Vyrsallia)
Drun-ken-foy-tin-wench (Ivy)
SourPuddle = Sower pud-dl

Tenissa = Ten-iss-uh
Reggy = Reh-jee
Minythe = Min-eeth
Genitha = Gen-ith-uh
Savaan = Suv-ahn
Lathara = Lu-thar-uh
You should also edit your post if you have any new characters.
Let's see..

Aliaress: Uh-leer-ress
Chaundre: Chawn-druh
Ruby: Roo-be
Spritzie: Sprit-zee


Cressy: Aw-sum
Gricca= Grih ka
Ireni= Eye reen ee
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