Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A Possibility on the creation of a cult?
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I was wondering if it would be alright if a character created a Cult.

I am seeing a good possibility of some nice role play from this. It'd be like a church sorta thing... only they would worship something completely different.

Throw something at me cause I am running flat out of ideas. :P
There are already cults in the lore. I don't see why not. Just so long as it isn't too heavily based on any sort of cult IRL.

Edit: Hehe, would your cult have anything to do with C'thun and the old gods?
Well I didn't mean any IRL cults.... just gonna make something up.

I was actually thinking about a cult that riviled the Twighlight's Hammer Cult. One that worshipped that water god that I am about to look up.
What's the name of this water god? Is it Neptulon? Maybe we can collaborate on this one. :)
Aye Neptulon the Tidehunter. And again Aye... we can be friends! I am writing a profile for the leader at the moment. :)
Nothing wrong with cults as long as they fit with the warcraft universe, but isn´t Neptulon known as a elemental lord? I remember reading something like that about him.
He is considered a god by many. Including several troll tribes. In fact it is believed by most trolls that Neptulon's big ole' krakken destroyed the Gurubashi empire.
I believe he is an Elemental Lord, even if considered a God by some. Hes also the Arch-Enemy of Ragnaros and the Fire Elementals if I'm not mistaken?
If so, there'd be some interesting possibilities there :)

This article has some quite detailed information, as well as some interesting tidbits for eventual
ceremonies / mysterious wossnames.
The Twighlight's Hammer Cult worships the Elemental Lord, Ragnaros. And he is considered a god among them. So I figured why not make something that is the same, yet different and have them wage war on The Twighlight's Hammer.
The Twilight's Hammer doesn't actually worship Ragnaros, they worship the old Gods. They wish to bring about the destruction of Azeroth and think the Old Gods and their Elemental servants will do that. They worship Ragnaros just as much as they worship Neptulon or Ahune or any of the other elemental lords, because they all used to be servants of the old gods.

One of their more recent plans is to summon Ahune into the mortal world so that he may attack Ragnaros, provoking a new worldwide elemental war that will ravage Azeroth.
Don't forget that there is a "cult" under the Slaughtered Lamb. It's a coven of Warlocks, and actually, I have a character that is in that Coven. Deborah.
I don't think Ahune is one of the Elemental Lord.

You only have Ragnaros, Neptulon, Al'Akir, and Therazane.

But still, The Twighlight's Hammer do favor Ragnaros over all. What I am wanting is a cult of the old gods, that favor Neptulon.

Just like their could be one for Al'Akir and/or Therazane the Stonemother.

In essence I am just wanting to revert back to me evil ways through a cult. Teehee!
Who is or isn't an elemental lord is a bit of a grey area. Ahune works under Neptulon, but the Twilight Cult still refers to him as an elemental lord. There's also Murmur, who doesn't fall under any of the other elemental areas being the lord of 'sound'. Though I'll give you that originally there were only four Elemental Lords.

I'm not quite sure where you got your information about the Twilight cult favoring Ragnaros though. I'm guessing you're basing this on in game appearances of Twilight Cultists in Blackrock Depths or something, but the Twilight Cult in itself doesn't lore-wise have any preference. If the maelstrom expansion was introduced and Neptulon popped up, you could surely expect to find Twilight Cultists there as well. They also popped up for Yogg-Saron after all.
I believe that the thing with the Twilight Cult fellers, though, is that it's entirely made up by sick, mad outcasts from society. Who else would actively try to aid Elemental Lords attempting to wreck Azeroth completely? Atleast, I'm fairly sure I've read that somewhere in the Lore (I'll try to look up the details).

Now, Neptulon's supposedly returning to the surface someday, in order to reestablish his rulership over the World. While at it, he's also said to be planning to kill off all the "non-believers", in effect mostly water-elementals and a few maniacs. A Neptulon Cult could, possibly, be aimed at gaining his favour to survive the incoming Apocalypse?

It's said that Neptulon claims the souls from those that die in water, hates fire, Ragnaros, etc...
So such a Cult could possibly "feed" their Deity trough sacrifices to the Water, try to decipher his Will for the World, carry out what they can of it, and in essence do what they think it takes to be True Believers (Prepare the ground for an Incoming Invasion!)? This could be trough things like fighting the followers of the other Elemental Lords, work to better the conditions for the Element of Water and Water spirits (much like a Shaman would,) and generally try to convince him that, once he returns, they'll be waiting as his Faithful Servants, and as such not be killed off, but rather go on living in a new glorious world! More religious wossnames and myths could presumably be thrown in, but oh well.

I tend to write these things without meaning to, but since you originally requested wild ramblings around the subject, there y'go.
True, but what I am basing my THC information is from a couple of quests I did on retail in the Searing Gorge. One of which sorta states it. It doesn't outright say it other then one cultist,I believe, mentions Ragnaros as a god above gods. They also have a molten forge on which they sacrifice innocent passerbyes to Ragnaros.
I got that from a questline aswell.

And the others you mentioned were, yes, Elemental Beings higher then most and almost to Lord-ship so to say. However the four I mentioned were the biggest and the baddest and that's why they got Das Boot when the Titans showed up and said "Hey, we like this planet. Scram."

Oh and Neptulon is another Elemental Lord that might be upon Azeroth. Wowiki mentioned that Queen Azshara of the Naga summoned him. She had better luck then the Dark Iron Dwarves with Ragnaros, she wasn't killed in an explosion the size of the Redridge Mountains.
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