Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Can Draenei get fat?
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Yes. This is a legitimate question. Save your chuckles!
I ask because I've always envisioned Uulari being a bit on the...heavier side.

Clarity or opinions would be appreciated!
Yeah. If they eat, then they can get fat.
What do Draenei eat anyway?
I'm actually really debating this question to see if there is a reason they can't get fat. I have trouble imagining a 'fat Draenei' in the same way I have trouble imagining a slim Dwarf. It's like, it's not unheard of, just something you don't think about. I'll get back to you. :)
I don't see why not. All humanoids in the Warcraft universe seem to share some common ancestors thanks to the Titans or something of that kind, considering Half Draenei / Half Orcs exist, as do Half Orcs / Half Humans. That would lead me to believe that all humanoids in the Warcraft universe work roughly the same, which would mean that a Draenei with bad genes, a lousy metabolism and a liking for Alterac Cheese could put on more weight than he or she wanted to.
Draenei aren't known to be related to Titans.
They're not known to be, but they still share some sort of common ancestry. Or normal genetics don't work in Warcraft and anybody can get pregnant with anybody. Either way, I'm pretty sure that if a Draenei can get pregnant with an orc child, they also have bodies that function pretty much the same.
Fat Draenei... boy that is a tough one. I could see a bit of a chunkier Draenei but fat? Hmmm... That is a good question.
Well, she's not a half-anything by any means. She's a full-blooded Draenei.

...Who just happened to really, really enjoy Azeroth food. A lot. A vice to counter her otherwise serene, collected disposition.
I'm not talking Jabba status; but...certainly plump.
Yes, draenei have the potential to get fat. just about any animal does.Draenei, like humans, are animals, and they eat, they can gain fat, and thus can be fat/chunky/plump/wahetever
I don't see why not.. Do their bellies bulge during pregnancy? If so, they can most likely put on a few pounds.
Uhh, with that being said about animals eating and getting fat, do Undead get healthy and get fat through eating?
No, undead have no need to eat, and I'm not sure if eating ICly affects them at all.
Draenei can totally get fat, especially if eating azerothian food. For the undead, they can eat, but they will not get healthy or fat, it will not affect them. They do not have the working organs to re-produce it. It'll probably sit there until it gets too stuffy and throws it up.
Diethe Wrote:Uhh, with that being said about animals eating and getting fat, do Undead get healthy and get fat through eating?

Forsaken CAN eat, though they have no need to. The fact that the muscles in their throat wouldn't move the food down into their stomach could prove problematic. But once in the stomach, if there and whole, the food/drink would simply rest there. Not be digested. If it were to be left there, it would rot and become moldy, and, well..

Also, yes, Draenei can get chunky. There was a woman on retail who played a female Draenei who had rolls, chins, and a pudgy tail that would 'wag' slightly at the side of cake. No joke.

Male, as well as Female Draenei, although rare, can get immensely fat. But like humans, it would affect their skeletal/muscular structure. Like Arthritis, from carrying the weight.. ect.
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