Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Thought of Sabatoge.
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I was thinking, would it be possible to plant explosives near the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind? Yes I understand that SW has a large population, and that many would hang out in the Cathedral Square area. But I also thought about night time.

Say it was pitch blackness in Stormwind one night, I have made hair/clothing changes to enter SW safely to prep the explosives. And maybe IC'ly hire a couple of goblins to supply some decent explosives to send a message to the Cathedral goers.

If your wondering about where the bombs are going, there is a small area that sort of inverts into the Cathedral. It is almost in sight of City Hall, but in cover. And as to how the goblins/bombs are getting in? Maybe get them over the back wall when a guard isn't looking/bribed to look away. Have them land on a few mattresses to get rid of sound/damage to barrels.

I wanted to post my hole idea and see if it were alright, GM-wise. Please a GM respond to this and tell me if it were alright or if it was a no go.

I can elaborate a bit more if needed.
I see no plausible way to go about this, personally. Realistically, you may be able to bribe one guard; but there will be thirty more that are steadfast in their ideals; and will lock someone up which tries. Night-time would be no different than day; as there will be just as many guards if not moreso. Stormwind is so securely guarded, that a place as clandestine as the Cathedral of Light - I believe that the idea would be undertowed before the explosives are even planted. Guards are still people; and while they're anonymous beneath their uniform platemail; they're not stupid. The small amount of people would be overwhelmed by the vast majority if something were amiss.

Lastly, I think this storyline would be far more convoluted if it came to fruition; and I see absolutely nothing positive stemming from this.
Thanks for the re-post Moonlight.

Nostra and I are working on the matter in PM's about this idea. :)