Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: My Introduction
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I appologize if this is in the wrong spot, I was eager getting this in, and did not see a correct spot to put it at. Sorry for all inconvience this may cause!

1. First things first! Did you read the rules, policies, and FAQs?

Yes, to be honest, I was not going to read them and go straight to posting this introduction. But...after reading a few tips on the website, I decided to read them! I thought they were going to be the same as all the other private servers, etc.

2. How did you hear about us?

While searching on World of Warcraft role playing forums, I decided to see if there were role playing based private I searched google, "WoW RP Private Server" and I saw...Conquest of the Horde!

3. How did you get into RP?

I am a Guild Master on the RP Feathermoon server. Many guild member's had asked if we were going to role play. Before I continue, ill give you some back ground information. Feathermoon, is were you can find role playing in World of Warcraft, dieing...Feathermoon's role playing is the worst you can find. So, with that I did some research, and actually found that role playing, is great! I went on the Kirin Tor server and did some Brill role playing, and loved it...but I wanted more! Hopefully this will satisfy my...needs!

4. How did you get into Warcraft?

When I moved into my new home, in year 2005, I met a soon to be best friend. I went over to his house one day, and saw he was playing World of Warcraft (this was before Burning Crusade expansion if you had not noticed.) I asked my mother to buy my the game for Christmas, which she did I asked my aunt. She did buy it for me, and that is when my addictions enabled.

5. What is your favorite race/class?

Well, that is very hard for me to say, but for alliance, I will go with gnomes! They are small in height (to be honest, I am as well...) and there laugh is so, addicting!

For horde, I have to go with....*drum roll* Undead! They are so...evil! I personaly love the undead look, with priests.

Oh, that reminds me, my favorite class, you guessed it, priest! Shadowform looks very cool for role playing with, along with levitation for a villan-type look!

6. What is your favorite kind of character to play?

Once again, you guessed it! Villan's! I like to play the mysterious type, the ones who do not speak, nor show there faces! Scary, ehh?

7. What is your favorite kind of RP?

That is very hard to choose! I love all role playing, but sitting around talking! There has to be some sort of action! I can last sitting around talking for about an hour, then ill use an exuse...((wife is home, sorry guys!))

8. Do you have any hobbies (outside of Warcraft)/talents/stupid human tricks?

Sence the age of four, I have played soccer. Right now I am in High School soccer...actually today we tied two-two...scoring in the last forty five seconds! But that answers the question, that soccer is my main hobbie!

9. What country are you from? (Or, if you're uncomfortable with that question, what is your first language? We don't need to know exactly where you live, just what general time zone you're in and if you need some wiggle room on your spelling and grammar.)

I live in Washington State! Our time is PST. If you did not know, it is the North Western part of The United States.

10. Remember question #1? Do you agree to abide by the rules and policies?

Yes, I do remember question one! I do abide by all rules and policies that you enforce!

*signs piece of paper*

Welcome to the server! >8D