Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: So, I was bored...
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... and this is what I ended up making.

Bottom view-

Standing by the bottom box-

An overhead view-

View from the top box-
... It's like the Tower of Babel, only with boxes.

Or maybe it's a Stairway to Heaven? Hmmm.
*Two seconds later server crashes and burns in a fit of fiery rage*

...Huh. So that's what happens when you play Jenga on WoW.
And then Kretol was struck down by the gods for trying to build a stairway into their domain. =(
But the question still remains... What could you put in so many boxes?
Ah- HA! I knew there was a reason for those boxes... now I wonder what will happen when I log in in the middle of that thing.
I made it to the top! xD
Madness I tell you madness!

It's a gnome invasion hiding in those boxes! Run while you can fools!