Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Some advice needed
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Hey All,

I'm pretty new, to both the server and to WoW in general. I'm trying to figure the game out, but I'd really appreciate some advice on the following issues:-

1) Since I'm still in the learning phase of WoW, I'll need a few days just to figure out what goes where; this of course, might cause some inadvert OOC behavior (wrong chat channels selected by accident, inappropriate running,etc). I'm aware this often breaks player immersion, so I'd like to know if I can acclimatize myself in the city itself, or is there some specific OOC marked location where I can go?

2) I wasn't really prepared for the sheer size of the game world, it's quite intimidating. With so few people scattered over such a large area, could you let me know how I can meet up with other players without having to travel half the continent? Doesn't make IC sense, for example for my PC to come up with some specious reason to head off to Silvermoon just because I know OOC'ly there are other players there.

Maybe this info was already documented elsewhere in the forums, in which case you have my apologies for posting a frequently asked question :)
1) There isn´t, but if you´re gonna experiment etc and want to be sure not to interrupt RP I suggest maybe do it in Shatterspear or just do a quick /who check to see if there´s anyone in the area.

2) There´s one easy way if you have a character that don´t travel much/stick to certain areas, more toons! Heh, alternatively you can ask in LFG for others interested RP, see if you can find some common ground to meet on and RP.