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The purpose of this post is not to change any pre-set rules, or that sort. It is merelt to educate people on how powerful Shamans actully are. In a time, if not already posted, I will do the same for other sources of magic in the lore.


There are five primal elements confirmed by lore that a Shaman may grasp his might from. Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, and Wilds. There are no more... simple as that.

The spirits of Earth can be called upon to help the shaman grow crops and raze fortresses (if strong enough). The spirit's voice is low and calming.

The spirits of the wind are a complicated issue, and can range from a simple breeze to a mighty storm. The spirits of the wind speak in a constant-whispering voice.

The spirits of fire gives the destructive nature to the shamans inwhich makes them feared. Fire is not only the blaze of the shaman's hand, but the lightening from the sky, the scrying of visions, and the bringer of warmth. It is very unpredictable and will barely speak.

The spirits of water are the healing powers given. Water can heal and quench the thirst of those blessed with its might, or be used as a destructive force and drown an army. The spirits of water are usually the most personable, and possess humor and mirth.

The spirits of the wild are the shaman's best friend and worst enemy. This element represents all living things; and to a shaman all things are living so it effects all things. It is also the most mysterious of elements. Ancestreal Spirits draw from this souce, but only if it fits balance.

Ancestreal Spirits
"The ancestors have spoken. It is not yet time for you to join them"

It is mentioned in lore for Shamans to be able to contact the Ancestreal Spirits for direct aid. One particular citation is: "It is invoked by the shaman only during the ritual of Ancestral Spirit, a call so powerful it can rewind the mortal coil, bringing life to the dead, and binding the spirit of a being back into their corporeal shell." So what is infered by this is that a Shaman, if given the chance, can bend the coils of the Ethreal and Corpreal exsistances into their target.

Spirit Wolves and Shadow Wolves
One very important thing to shamans are wolves. As Drek'Thar once told Thrall, "The wolves are not tamed, not as you might understand the word."

Spirit Wolves are the basic summon to the skilled shamans. Spirit Wolves are fast, deadly, and invisible creatures who hunt and kill. They are deadly things, and are able to teleport around a battlefield or simply stealth to the point where they're nearly invisible. The appearance of these wolves flickering translucent beasts with a faint glow pulsating off of their bodies.

Shadow Wolves are more advanced creatures, and it is only the Farseers or the incredably powerful shamans who can even dream of summoning them. They appear larger than dire wolves, but seem to be hazy and yet glowing all at the same time. It requires an extra push to even summon these, and even then, assuming the spirits and balance allow their summoning they are only there temporarily. They're generally more powerful than Spirit Wolves, and can even be used as a temporary mount. Another interesting note is that Shadow Wolves have been seen on both sides, for and against the Scourge.

(More to come...)

Sources cited:
Just a note, the plural of Shaman is Shaman, not Shamans. XD

Also, excellent guide! I'll be making a shaman now.
ulteo29 Wrote:Just a note, the plural of Shaman is Shaman, not Shamans. XD

Also, excellent guide! I'll be making a shaman now.
Jeff Wrote:
ulteo29 Wrote:Just a note, the plural of Shaman is Shaman, not Shamans. XD

Also, excellent guide! I'll be making a shaman now.

Well, it just goes to show. Never trust Rise of the Horde.

...Or Christie Golden in general.
Quote:It's worth noting that the official Blizzard line on "shaman" vs "shamans", despite the English forms of the word, is that "shaman" is the correct plural as it pertains to Azeroth

In English it is said Shamans, in Warcraft it is Shaman.
Woohoo! You saved my ego, Mikain.
Decent insight on Shamanism, and the minset which carries in lieu with it.
Even if a Draenei's autonomy regarding it is completely overlooked and unspoken. :(
Nice work on this Jeff. /giveshugethumbsup

I was just going to make an over-inflated pm, but this works too. xD
Added a tid-bit about the Spirit Wolves.
I'm having a hard time combing through and finding the part in these wiki refferences about shaman being able to travel through the ethereal/corporeal realms, and taking people with them. Now, after looking at all that's presented, I also notice that there is a lot of refference to the Far Seer's, as well as Shaman. Now, while a Farseer is a shaman, they are a more powerful version of one, and something I've always percieved as not only a special sort of profile, but something to the likes of power which Kretol's character had pre-restart.

A Farseer can summon these Shadow wolves, and such, and I beleive also travel between the corporeal/ethereal, but -not- your standard shaman. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd really like a link to the page that does say otherwise, and if provided, then I'll accept it.
I'm assuming he pulled the powers from the warcraft d20 books. I'll check it out for you when I get home and update this post.
I believe the spirit-world powers are tied to the Spirit Walker, another prestige class.
Looking around the shaman spell lists in the various sourcebooks, I've been able to find only one mention of the spirit world, and none about summoning shadow wolves.

Exorcise: Tear soul from target's body, possibly trapping him in the spirit world.