Conquest of the Horde

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I myself would really think that having Flying mounts enabled in Azeroth would be a bonus to RP, not only because I Roleplay a Gryphon trainer. But also because you get to places quicker, and it seems odd that you cannot travel around Azeroth with them to begin with. Is there a chance this will be enabled in Azeroth once the normal things on the server are done? I do not know if it is hard to code.

Just a suggestion,

Having flying mounts in Azeroth creates a lot more bugs and such, it's just not made to handle them.
I have seen this done on another server, it was done by making the flying mount a trinket that could be equipped anywhere.
It was also fairly glitchy.

Edit: Oh yes, and half of Azeroth was not terrained for flying mounts.
I do not intend to ever enable flying mounts in Azeroth.